US Election Center In Arizona Closes Due to Rising Unrest From Trump Supporters ‘armed with guns’

US Election Center In Arizona Closes Due to Rising Unrest From Trump Supporters ‘armed with guns’ Demonstrations in the United States: “Do not let Trump steal the election”. Fear of Trump-backed militias takes to the streets. More than 150 supporters of President Donald Trump, some of whom were armed, gathered outside the building where votes […]

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Strategy, Plague and War: Israel’s Complex Nuclear Future

Despite the noise and aggressive self-promotion, Trump administration diplomacy in the Middle East and Africa has always been a net-negative for Israel. While Israelis have generally been grateful to the Trump White House for providing America’s “good offices” with Bahrain, UAE and Sudan, this gratitude is shortsighted and misplaced. In essence, negotiated pacts with these […]

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Nate Silver Got It Wrong Again may have misled people. How did Nate Silver blow it so badly? That’s what many people are asking now both about him and his famed People and politicians love hearing about the polls. But how accurate are they? Why should we listen to them? Some people say that the polls may actually affect […]

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