New Infection, New Vaccine Needed in Modi’in


Photo Credit: CDC

This image depicts a young child with the characteristic cervical swelling brought on by the mumps infection.

Modi’in has announced the city is providing a special vaccine to its residents after a number of teens in the local Bnei Akiva branch were diagnosed with the mumps.

It is not known how many teens are suffering from the illness. The Health Ministry directed the schools to continue with their regular routine, however, “despite the panic.”


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The ministry has updated parents of Bnei Akiva branch members with the information that a number of those who appear to be at risk would receive the vaccine.

The virus erupted last week in the midst of an influenza outbreak.

The illness typically starts with a few days of fever, headache, muscle aches, tiredness, and loss of appetite, and is followed by swelling of salivary glands. Anyone who is not immune from either a previous mumps infection or from vaccination, can become infected.

The first signs of swelling usually appear a few days after the onset of fever.

The illness is transmitted through “coughing, sneezing and by contact with nasal and phlegm secretions,” according to the ministry.

Readers are urged to consult your family doctor if there are any questions or concerns about the infection.

During a Calcalist conference this week, Health Minister Yaakov Litzman (UTJ) told participants that the Israeli government is considering restricting the rights of citizens who refuse vaccinations. Among the restrictions being considered are travel rights and the ability to obtain a driver’s license.


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