The Maltsev Case: Arrest and Harassment of a Jewish Scientist in Ukraine

In a troubling incident that has sparked widespread concern, a Jewish scientist Dr. Oleg Maltsev has been subjected to harassment and subsequently arrested under a politically motivated article of the criminal code. This case not only raises questions about the safety and rights of intellectuals in Ukraine but also highlights significant inconsistencies and discrepancies surrounding […]

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The Israeli origins of Amitai Etzioni’s big ideas about community

(JR) — “Although I was born in Germany, my formative years were spent in the early, idealistic days of the cooperative Jewish settlements, in pre-Israel, Palestine,” wrote Amitai Etzioni in his 2003 memoir, “My Brother’s Keeper.” In writing about his early years in a cooperative settlement called Kfar Shmaryahu, the Israeli-American sociologist and polymath provided […]

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The Jewish calendar reminds us where we’ve been — and what’s next

This story originally appeared on My Jewish Learning. (JR) — The Shavuot holiday that we observed last month commemorates two different kinds of harvests. Originally an agricultural festival, Shavuot marked the culmination of the wheat harvest in the ancient land of Israel. Only later did the rabbis layer on the receiving of the Torah to the holiday. Just as we […]

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