5 more years elections: New Israeli settlement awaits families


On Election Day, Israel declared the inception of a new settlement named “Mishmar Yehuda.” During the local authority elections, Central Command Chief Yehuda Fox signed the order, initiating the settlement’s establishment. It will be situated in the northeast section of Gush Etzion, close to the community of Kidar.

Shlomo Ne’eman, head of the Gush Etzion Regional Council, expressed his enthusiasm, highlighting the settlement’s significance. “This is a tremendous boon for Gush Etzion’s inhabitants. It’s our resolute response to terrorism and those who challenge our historical claims,” he said. 

“It’s a rebuttal to the radicals attempting to dispossess us from where our forefathers trod,” Ne’eman said, “and to the international community, it signals our intent to fortify Gush Etzion through additional residents, educational institutions, infrastructure, and childcare facilities.

“United, we shall prevail.”