Photo Credit: Courtesy CJNV

To start, you should know there’s a thing called The Center for Jewish Nonviolence, and that it “strives for a future that honors the full equality and shared humanity of both Palestinians and Israelis.”
Then you should know that on Monday the CJNV tweeted: “CJNV delegation begins—International Jewish activists defy crackdown on Palestinian solidarity activism during delegation to the Occupied Territories.”
Afterwards, a tour guide from Ir Amim brought us to a view of East Jerusalem where we saw the separation barrier and witnessed what so many Israeli maps and tours work to hide: the Judaization of East Jerusalem through the displacement of Palestinian people.
— Center for Jewish Nonviolence (@CJNVtweets) December 30, 2019
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IfNotNow, one of the groups represented in this unusual Xmas vacation in the Holy Land, tweeted: “A group of our members, along with members of J Street, JVPlive, Naamod UK and other Jewish left orgs around the world just hit the ground in the West Bank as part of CJNV’s newest delegation. They’ll engage in direct co-resistance work with Palestinian activists.”
A group of our members, along with members of @jstreetdotorg, @jvplive, @NaamodUK, and other Jewish left orgs around the world just hit the ground in the West Bank as part of @CJNVtweets‘s newest delegation. They’ll engage in direct co-resistance work with Palestinian activists:
— IfNotNow? (@IfNotNowOrg) December 30, 2019
We have no blessed idea what the crackdown on Palestinian solidarity activism even means, never mind how one goes about defying it, and what’s the meaning of “direct co-resistance work” – in ten days or less (they’re flying home at the end of the revolution). We do know from the group’s press release that it will include “civil disobedience, educational sessions and community building projects.”
Then lunch.
That’s a lot to accomplish in ten days. We signed up for the daily updates, in the hope they’ll be as entertaining as the first couple of tweets.
You should also know that whatever you put up on Twitter could come back to bite you, especially when it comes to Zionist Jews. Man, are we a pesky bunch.
Claudia tweeted: I just made another donation to Birthright Israel.
Jewish Conservative Grandpa tweeted: While Jews are being slaughtered in America at an unprecedented rate, IfNotNow will continue demonizing the Jewish state, which will lead to more violence against Jews.
You guys are beyond contempt.
U Dekel wondered: Does “Co-resistance” means you’ll be participating in all the forms of Palestinian resistance including stabbing, bombing and firing missiles at Jews, or are you just going to stand aside and cheer them on without getting your hands dirty as you usually do?
Truth B. Told rebuked: Willing receptacles for Arab lies, propaganda and incitement. You are not agents of peace, justice or harmony. You are an assortment of bigots, dupes and fools.
Oh, it went on and on like this, with scant interruptions from the lefty side.
Elon Glickman, a CJNV delegate from LA, wrote in the group’s press release: “In a time when the Jewish establishment in the United States is lauding Trump’s executive order that stifles Palestinian activism in the name of protecting Jews, it is crucial we demonstrate that our liberation is inherently linked to the liberation of the Palestinian people. There is no more powerful way to do that than by putting our bodies on the line to support non-violent resistance against the Occupation and that’s why I’m excited to be here with CJNV to continue this important work.”
Man, to be young again, and Jewish, and stupid.
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