Business and pleasure: Israel and Japan sign a new visa agreement


Israel and Japan signed an agreement on Wednesday creating a “holiday-work” visa which will allow Israelis to both travel and work in Japan for one year at a time. 

Per the agreement, people between the ages of 18-30 from Israel and Japan will be able to get a visa valid for up to 12 months which will allow them to work, study the language and participate in vocational training programs during their visit. 

Members of Israel’s high-tech sector are of particular interest, according to a joint press statement issued by representatives from the two nations. 

Visa applicants must meet a number of basic requirements including a clean criminal record, having medical insurance and having a way to support themselves. 

This agreement comes shortly after El Al began offering direct flights between Tel Aviv and Tokyo in March, an initiative spearheaded by Israel’s Foreign Affairs Ministry and the Israeli Embassy in Tokyo. 

The new visa agreement and the direct flights are expected to bolster the number of tourists and businesspeople traveling between Japan and Israel. 

An El Al plane flying above the clouds. (credit: IPTC/GPO)

“The agreements signed today constitute an important step in the ties that have been strengthening between Israel and Japan in recent years,” said Ambassador Gilad Cohen on Wednesday. “Israelis and Japanese [people] have never been closer. I am sure that our relations will continue to deepen and we will continue to collaborate for the benefit of the citizens of Israel and Japan.” 

The 70th year of Israel-Japan ties

Business ties between Israel and Japan were strengthened in January as companies from both countries began to explore new opportunities for collaboration and investment. From cutting-edge technology startups to established industry leaders, Israeli and Japanese companies are finding ways to work together to drive innovation and growth in their 70th year of diplomatic relations.

On January 24, it was announced that leading Japanese IT service conglomerate NTT had selected an Israeli company, C2A Security, as the first project of its new Global Automotive Security Test Center. Joining C2A on the project will be Marelli, an Italian automotive component developer and manufacturer.

Zachy Hennessy contributed to this report.