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According to six13.com, Baby Yoda’s cousin delivered this sage advice to Luke Skywalker, which he took from the Maccabees. Like the Jedi years later, against all odds, they fought off a great empire who sought their destruction. The Jedi won and chased the empire away from their holy land. But then they discovered that the evil Darth Vader had desecrated all their olive oil, save for one jug of oil which was kept hidden by C-3PO and R2-D2. It turned out the oil in that little jug was connected to an alternate universe, where it held additional oil that sufficed for 8 days. Pass the latkas.
Six13 is a groundbreaking, six-man a cappella vocal band that is bringing an unprecedented style and energy to Jewish music, with nothing but the power of the human voice.
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Juxtaposing the traditional and the contemporary, Six13 is anchored by a strong Jewish identity, fueled by soulful harmonies, intricate arrangements and their signature dynamic, full-band-like sound, and driven by a mission to connect Jews around the world with their heritage through music. The band is uniquely comprised of members from varied Jewish denominations and upbringings, creating an entertainment experience that has been universally acclaimed across the globe by Jewish organizations and individuals from equally varied backgrounds and generations.
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