A Week Of Historic Proportions – Will Netanyahu survive? – The Walter Bingham File [audio]


Photo Credit: pixabay

It is inconceivable that this Middle East superpower should be so humiliated by terrorists, that our kindergartens have to be held in shelters.

Hear: Walter’s assessment of how it should have been handled.



Publisher #16: JewishPress.com
Zone #113: Comment Banner / (02) / News
Size #15: Banner 468×60 (Comments and Mobile) [468×60]
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Who: Is the enemy within?

And: The Hypocrisy of the Court Of Justice Of the European Union and how they surrendered to BDS pressure.

Do You Remember: The first night alone with your newly wedded wife? Or – A must read kosher book for newlyweds.

All About: The anniversaries of Kristallnacht, Armistice Day, the Rabin and Kahane murders and the fall of the Berlin wall that all happened during this week years ago.

Also: German parliamentarian dismissed for Anti-Semitism. Far right AFD (Alternative for Germany) party is third largest in the lower house of the German Parliament.


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