WIZO creates new trauma support program for Jewish women, youth

WIZO has revealed new “Emotional Resilience” programs across its educational institutions, which offer a psycho-educational system to strengthen personal resilience, acquire psychological coping skills, and create deep connections with others. WIZO is an Israeli women zionist organization that is dedicated to the advancement of the status of women, welfare for all sectors of Israeli society, […]

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Scientists perform study to find personalized cure for cancer patients

Immunotherapy matched to a specific patient to successfully treat patients using biological personalized medicine depends on suiting them to each other – but the technique is very complicated.  Now, researchers at the Ruth and Bruce Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and the Rappaport Family Institute for Research in the Medical Sciences at the Technion-Israel Institute of […]

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Have scientists uncovered an alternative to condoms and vasectomies?

Women who want to control their reproduction generally complain that they, and not men, are responsible for avoiding pregnancy, except when males use condoms or undergo invasive vasectomy surgery.  With unintended pregnancies costing billions of dollars a year in the US alone and growing limits on abortion, the socioeconomic and health benefits of improved birth […]

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