Howie Goes to Synagogue and You’ll Never Believe What he Heard! – Political Hitman [audio]

Photo Credit: pixabay Howie confronts a worshipper in synagogue on Rosh Hashanah, you’ll never believe what happens next! Advertisement <!– Publisher #16: Zone #113: Comment Banner / (02) / News Size #15: Banner 468×60 (Comments and Mobile) [468×60] –> ‘); _avp.push({ tagid: article_top_ad_tagid, alias: ‘/’, type: ‘banner’, zid: ThisAdID, pid: 16, onscroll: 25 });

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Why a Christian Japanese-American artist painted a mural of Nazi fighter Hannah Senesh

(JTA) — Hannah Senesh may seem an unlikely motivation for Japanese-born artist Julie Robertson. But the 35-year-old Christian artist, who just spent four days painting a 30-by-40-foot mural of the late Jewish poet, learned about Senesh earlier this year and was struck by her bravery. A national hero in Israel, Senesh parachuted into Europe to […]

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Repentance and Gratitude

Photo Credit: Avi Ohayon / GPO Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, US President Donald Trump shake hands at their meeting on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly, 2017 The Jewish concept of repentance hinges upon self-reflection. The centerpiece of the Yom Kippur service is vidui, or confession, of a litany of sins and transgressions. […]

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