Navigating cultural gaps is key for business development

Peter Drucker’s famous quote, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” is not limited to strategy but includes technology, physical facilities, distribution channels, motivations, values, and all behaviors in that culture.  Navigating cultural differences is a crucial aspect of global business development. As companies expand their reach into new markets, they encounter diverse cultural norms, values, and […]

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How will light rail change Jerusalem’s Bar-Ilan/Shmuel Hanavi junction?

In the heart of Jerusalem lies the Bar-Ilan/Shmuel Hanavi interchange, a bustling nexus of transportation and commerce. This vital junction, named after the intersecting Bar-Ilan and Shmuel Hanavi streets, serves as a lifeline for commuters navigating the city’s labyrinthine streets. Its strategic location in the northern part of Jerusalem makes it a crucial connection point, […]

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UNRWA’s controversial job ad on LinkedIn: A sign of things to come?

LinkedIn, the professional social network, has become an integral platform for networking, job searching, and business-related discussions. LinkedIn continues to adapt and grow as the digital landscape evolves, offering new opportunities for professionals worldwide. However, recent events surrounding a job ad by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) on LinkedIn […]

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