So Let’s Die Together

Some of us find ourselves parting from dear people around us. We watch how slowly they are fading away, and we know that soon they will not be here. They take part of us with them because we love them. Krishna Murthi, the Indian mystic, was once asked to visit a dying friend. “I am […]

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Sephardic Torah from the Holy Land

With the month of Kislev underway, we turn our attention to Hanukkah, our holiday of light and heroism. December, 1948. The State of Israel is seven months old, recovering from the War of Independence that claimed 6,500 lives. The heroes who defended Israel – the men and women of the newly established Israel Defense Forces […]

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A Moment in Time: “Thanksgiving

Dear all, One of these timers is accurate. One is not. Which is which? We often realize that time is relative. Some moments speed by. Others drag their feet. The last ten minutes of Shakespeare in High School English class often seemed like five years. But the first five years of Maya and Eli’s life have gone by in […]

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Complaint Alleges That UCLA Student Gov’t Cultural Affairs Commissioner Discriminated Against Jewish Students

A Petition of Consideration was filed to UCLA’s Undergraduate Students Association Council (USAC) Judicial Board on Nov. 25 alleging that USAC Cultural Affairs Commissioner (CAC) Alicia Verdugo discriminated against Jewish students when hiring staff members in the fall. Ha’Am, a student-run newsmagazine at UCLA, first reported on the petition; the publication’s editor-in-chief, Bella Brannon, filed […]

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