Wounded Redeemers

Altruism is not a given; many have argued against it. Social Darwinists, inspired by the theory of evolution, argued against helping the poor. Charity, they maintained, runs counter to the “survival of the fittest.”  Helping the weakest in society would only undermine progress by allowing the unfit to procreate. Ayn Rand attacked altruism as collectivism […]

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Sephardic Torah from the Holy Land

These are stressful times here in Israel. War on two fronts, soldiers killed almost daily, 101 hostages still in Gaza, nonstop sirens and barrages of rockets, thousands still displaced from their homes, deep political divisions, no tourism, economic uncertainty. Trauma, PTSD and depression are widespread. Despite all resilient efforts for the semblance of a normal […]

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Life in the Shadow of the Akedah

It was a question that crossed the line. Shaul Amsterdamski was interviewing Rabbi Tamir Granot, who had lost his son Amitai in battle a week after the October 7th war started.  Amsterdamski asked Granot to respond to a phrase some use (borrowed from Harry Potter) to negatively describe Religious Zionists: “Death eaters.” These critics accuse […]

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Things Done on Highway 61

    Highway 61 Things Done on Highway 61 (Shabbat Vayeira 2024) Rabbi Mordecai Finley    (adapted from earlier versions) Highway 61 runs from the city of Wyoming in Minnesota, down in to New Orleans. It also runs through a desolate region where the rivers of dread and destiny merge.   It is the road […]

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