Hanukkah’s Light Brigade

Antiochus Epiphanesdeclared: “Let’s sacrifice a pig,”and in the holy sanctuariestook steps to be the biggest wig,far greater than the Jewish Godwho hates the smell and taste of swine,declaring thus the first jihadagainst the Jews of Palestine. The Maccabees were very brave,abhorring gifts of pagan porkers;like Britons, none would be a slave,these ancestors of most New […]

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Marking the Words of Maccabees

“We are in a historic time,” he began. Decrying the holding of hostages and the “deplorable evil” of brutality of Israel’s enemies, looking into the eyes of the soldiers standing in formation around him, the commander invoked the faithful fighters of our people’s past. “We are not alone,” he then thundered, voice rising with emotion. […]

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What I Got Wrong in 2024

The first thing I got wrong in 2024 was the war in Gaza, which I saw as a “forever war” with diminishing returns. After the first ceasefire and return of some 100 Israeli hostages one month into the war, I became obsessed with a repeat. I allowed my skepticism of Bibi’s intentions—the longer he would […]

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Education Dept., UC Schools Reach Agreement Over Antisemitism and Islamophobia Complaints

The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (OCR) announced on Dec. 20 that it has reached a resolution agreement with five UC campuses — one of which is UCLA — over complaints that the universities failed to adequately respond to instances of antisemitism, Islamophobia, and discrimination based on Israeli, Palestinian and Arab ancestry. The […]

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Time to Hug a Fellow Jew

It is a savage crime that haunts the Jewish people to this day. And it never should have happened. Joseph’s brothers, enraged by envy, decide to murder him, only to change course at the last minute and sell him into a lifetime of slavery. Joseph certainly had provoked them; he was clearly his father’s favorite, […]

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