Photo Credit: Ghadir Hani’s facebook page

“Robbery, violence and oppression have become the norm” in Israel, according to Israeli professor Dr. Yaela Raanan, who spoke last Thursday in Ramallah.
Raanan was among four candidates who competed for the Jewish token spot on the Arab Communist Party Hadash slate. She, alongside Efraim Davidi and the head of the party’s Tel Aviv branch, Noa Levy, lost out to possibly the greatest living Israel hater in the Knesset today, Dr. Ofer Cassif.
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Raanan, who last January was called by a French news website “the new Jewish Zuabi,” teaches in Sapir College in Sderot, was in the PA capital to celebrate the UN “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.”
The event was attended by several hundreds, including Fatah Central Committee secretary-general Jibril Rajoub and former Meretz party head Mossi Raz.
Speaking in front of a portrait of late PLO leader Yasser Arafat, Raanan accused Israel of implementing a “cruel policy” in the Negev, and a “violent policy” towards residents of the Gaza Strip.
>Raanan told the crowd that “Israel’s treatment of its Arab citizens is directly connected with the occupation,” and that “it is not by accident that the people who demanded the demolitions [of illegal Bedouin structures] in the Negev live in settlements.”
“We will not stop until we reach our goal – until the occupation is over and until Israel stops controlling the Palestinian people,” Raanan concluded.
According to Im Tirtzu, which first reported the speech, Raanan has a long history of “slanderous anti-Israel activities,” including promoting boycotts against Israel.
Im Tirtzu CEO Matan Peleg said: “This is further evidence of how radical Israelis play a leading role in promoting the delegitimization of Israel, and universities must immediately work to root it out.”
Back in January 2018, after a thirteen-year-old boy, Lior Elmakiass, was killed near Mitzpe Ramon in the Negev when the car his father was driving crashed into a camel that had wandered onto road 40, Yaela Raanan spoke to the Jerusalem Post against legislation that would force camel owners to control their animals, and argued that the proposed law’s “ulterior motive is to harm the Bedouin by minimizing their ability to raise camels.”
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