Israeli and Saudi company’s extraordinary cooperation a sign of future?


Israeli company “SolarEdge” and the Saudi company “Ajlan & Bros Holding (ABH)” extraordinary cooperation a sign of future normalization?

The cooperation between the two companies aims to provide Saudi Arabia with renewable and smart energy, which will help the Kingdom – one of the world’s largest oil producers – reduce its dependence on oil by the end of this decade.

“We are honored to maintain the cooperation, and to support Saudi Arabia’s journey towards ‘Vision 2030,” said Zvi Lando, CEO of SolarEdge. “The company is committed to driving the clean energy transition on a global scale (which) will provide local factories in Saudi Arabia with the necessary support to quickly transition from fossil fuels to clean solar energy,” Lando continued.

Iran replies to Israeli-Saudi normalization

SAUDI ARABIA’S Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman meets with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken in Jeddah, in June. The Saudis just don’t trust America under Biden, the writer argues. (credit: AMER HILABI/REUTERS)

The spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry, Nasser Kanani, said earlier today that “a normalization agreement between Saudi Arabia and Israel will harm regional peace and stability.” Kanani said these words against the background of reports that the Biden administration is working vigorously to promote an agreement between the countries.

“The US’ efforts to normalize relations between Saudi Arabia and the Zionist regime have been at the top of its priorities for many years,” Kanani added in an interview with the local media. “The US has pledged to fully support the regime, and within this framework it is making efforts to bring the Zionists closer to several countries in the region.”

“What happened in practice is the opening of the hands of the Zionist regime to commit crimes against the Palestinian nation,” continued Kanani. “We see this especially in the last six months, when we witness the death of two hundred Palestinians.”