The US government has been given the green light by the Jerusalem municipality regarding the planning process of the permanent structure for the US Embassy in Jerusalem, Channel 12 reported Tuesday.
The area on which it was decided to erect the embassy building is the Allenby complex, located near Hebron Road, a main artery connecting many neighborhoods in the capital.

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In recent weeks, the US side has been angered by what they called “elements in a transport master plan” of the city, who apparently were unwilling to change the route of the city’s light rail, which clashes with the security requirements introduced by the Americans.
After the mayor’s intervention, It was decided to physically cut one of the stations of the future light rail and also respond positively to any and all future US demands.
And so Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Leon issued a statement on Tuesday, saying: “The American embassy has today received a green light from the Jerusalem Municipality. Within six months, we will reach advanced stages, and, with God’s help, in a few years we will be able to inaugurate the permanent American embassy in the capital.”
The Allenby Complex site was agreed upon in a meeting between representatives of the Trump administration and Mayor Moshe Leon. It is located near the Governor’s Palace promenade in Talpiot. It offers a breathtaking panorama view of the old and new parts of the city, and should everything proceed according to plan, the Americans would begin construction in about a year.
Naturally, should a Democrat be installed in the White House in the meantime, things could slow down considerably.
Incidentally, the Americans are still theoretically exploring an alternative compound in Jerusalem, in the area of the Diplomat Hotel, but according to Channel 12, their final choice will be the Allenby complex.
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