Reducing Stress, Even with a Fluctuating Stock Market


Reducing Stress, Even with a Fluctuating Stock Market

By Contributing Author

Today, the financial markets are fluctuating and makes investors feel stressed. However, that can make it more challenging to make significant decisions. When you are stressed, you might not go in the right direction with your finances which can threaten your portfolio and your retirement account.

There are several signs you might be feeling stressed, such as lower energy levels and sleeplessness. You may find it hard to focus or find yourself using more drugs or alcohol. Still, there are a few ways you can manage things, such as eating well and trying to get some exercise.

Build A Retirement Plan

By having a plan in place you will know how things are looking financially. You don’t have to guess and you will shed so much of the stress and anxiety that comes with not knowing when you can retire comfortably. Many people create their own retirement plans these days with software such as WealthTrace. Not only will a retirement plan answer questions for you today, you can track your progress over time.

Setting Realistic Expectations

You may try to avoid too much work/life balance since maintaining it might increase your stress even more. It could make you feel guilty or ashamed since you may feel you don’t measure up to it. Instead of trying to evaluate the balance each day, do what works for you. At the end of that month, you can go back and assess how well you did. See where you can improve, and then move on.

Think about the quality of that balance as well. Instead of saying you need to spend a certain amount of time engaging, think about what you are doing. Are you doing things that will genuinely help you feel recharged? For example, you could turn off your computer and set aside your electronics to better connect with the things or people that help you decompress better.

By setting more realistic expectations, you will be able to enjoy the time more.

Eating Well

It is best to avoid going on a diet, even if you have been stress-eating. Instead, make changes to your choice of food and supplement your brain better; that way, you can boost your mood and reduce your stress. Eating habits might worsen when you feel stressed, so it is best to create a meal plan if you think you are stressed. Some people might overeat while others don’t eat at all, and it’s hard to find the motivation to nourish your brain to ensure better mental functioning properly. If your blood sugar goes up and down quickly, you are causing your brain to feel more stressed.

Managing blood sugar is even more critical than usual when you are feeling stressed. Instead of going for carbs, it is best to choose something high in protein and healthy fats.

You might be on a tight schedule, meaning you will want to establish better eating habits. Have healthy snacks such as oatmeal and brown rice bread on hand to nourish yourself. You can also find packages of protein powder to add to things.

Having Better Thinking Habits

Instead of just trying to think positively, do something to make yourself feel happy. Your brain wants to be free of stress, so try to do something to help you relax. By learning better mental habits, you can process the stressful moments and ensure you have enough power to be successful.

Be clear on your beliefs and values and get the information necessary to serve yourself. By thinking realistically, you can overcome difficult moments to reduce stressful times. Try to align yourself with your core elements to become more powerful and make the most of your strengths.

Doing Less

If you feel stressed about your finances, now is not the time to start doing more and spreading yourself thin. Instead, tell your family and friends that you can’t do something. You can do so by starting your answer with, “This is hard for me to tell you since I don’t want you to feel disappointed.” Then you can tell them you need to save your mental energy.

You should also limit yourself in other areas. For example, try not to drink too much alcohol. Having one glass of wine or other liquor might be helpful, but if you have too much, you’ll be counterproductive. It’s not a good idea to turn to alcohol to help you manage stress, either. If you have too much booze, you might have sleep disturbances or imbalances in your brain chemistry which can make you feel depressed and hinder your ability to think.

There are some ways you can get positive results, such as taking more natural supplements, or you might take a long bath or shower and listen to relaxing music. You could also talk to a particular person or even dance with them for a few minutes.

Closing Thoughts

Today, trying to manage your finances can be highly stressful but reducing your stress levels is essential to ensuring you live a long time to come. By following these steps, you’ll be better able to protect yourself from becoming burned out. Then you can make better financial decisions.