Spectator Index Says Israel Is 8th Most Powerful Country


Photo Credit: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

Tel Aviv regional Arm Wrestling Competition, July 13, 2015.

According to the US News and World Report Spectator Index, Israel is in 8th place:


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So that’s gratifying, although realizing the same index lists Iran in 13th place has to be a source of worry to sane people everywhere.

I decided to review some of the latest index results:

Now, don’t tell me this is not scary, for the Jewish State to be wedged like that, between its two arch-enemies, Turkey and Iran. As to Russia, one must wonder if this figure ($61.3 billion) also covers its European part. Probably does. Incidentally, just so you’ll be calm in face of these scary numbers, the United States’ annual military budget is $698.5 billion.

You should know Israel is 22nd on the above list. Which shows you it’s not necessary to be smart in order to be powerful…

You’ll notice that Israel’s enemies Iran and Turkey are in the top five. Egypt and Jordan are also among the worst places on the planet. I for one am satisfied.

I’m fairly happy with this one, too:

Surely, it could be better, but considering the fact that the UAE is the only other Mid-Eastern country in the top 20, I’m happy.

Finally, get ready to frown:

I say: Ouch. Would have expected Israelis to be way up there, with Canadians, Americans, and Brits. Disappointed.


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