Can an agriculture project led by Air Force veterans reshape Bedouin lif

One of the world’s leading entities in advanced agriculture is exploring opportunities for significant economic upliftment in the Bedouin community of the Negev. The intriguing twist? It’s an Israeli enterprise founded by former Israeli Air Force personnel.  Traditionally, much of Bedouin society revolves around agriculture, primarily focusing on animal husbandry, seasonal crops, and spice cultivation. […]

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White House’s Brainard says US won’t follow Japan, UK into recession

The US will not follow Britain and Japan into recession because of a fundamentally stronger recovery that has enabled healthy consumer spending, with Biden administration spending on infrastructure and clean energy fostering business investment, White House economic adviser Lael Brainard said on Thursday. Brainard told reporters at an economics conference that continued US growth would […]

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How could a credit rating downgrade impact Israeli wallets, markets?

The impact of a country’s credit rating downgrade on citizens’ wallets begins even before the actual downgrade occurs. Markets, in practice, do not wait for the official downgrade announcement and already demand higher interest rates. This translates to tangible consequences for citizens who are faced with increased borrowing costs and reduced access to affordable loans. […]

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