3 of Today’s Best Student-Run Start-ups


3 of Today’s Best Student-Run Start-ups

By Contributing Author

College students may have their entrepreneurial spirit in them, but they’re not enthusiastic about bringing them to fruition. They’ll only be young and free once, so it’s best that they make a go for it. Build the college start-ups of their dreams!

Running a start-up may zap the time and energy of many students. They may need to sacrifice their studies, but if you’re a new entrepreneur, you can also pay Edubirdie to do your assignment. This way, students can focus more on their business because they can pay expert writers offering online writing services to help them do their assignments.

Success means making sacrifices, but if students have ways to help them with their studies, they won’t have to complain about not having enough time or energy to run their businesses.

Why College Is the Best Time to Start Your Own Start-Up

Students may benefit from their inexperience because they can take more risks. They have no idea about the rules and limitations in many industries, and they may find creative solutions for many problems. They don’t have bias yet because they don’t have previous experiences.

Faculty and students who are already trailblazing their journeys can help other students who want to build their start-ups. Moreover, there’s a huge network of alumni that always extend their helping hand. An alumni database provides a wealth of information about graduates who are willing to help.

Student empowerment is essential in gaining confidence in reaching out to non-alumni mentors. It’s surprising to find out that these people are willing to provide insights to younger individuals. They have more empathy for students because they know how it is to be in their shoes.

What Students Need To Make Their Own Start-Up

People who have a legitimate business plan can obtain a loan, receive investment capital, and grow their business. It can be a vital prerequisite to all other factors that can make a business successful.

Adequate capital can get the start-up off the ground. The start-up costs can vary, so students have to know how much they need and where to get it. They may not hit the mark if they won’t compute for the cost of doing business. It’s also why they need to create a proper business plan because it includes a financial plan. Student-run businesses fail because of cash-flow problems, but if student start-ups know the costs, the probability of success becomes even higher.

After ascertaining the costs, these budding entrepreneurs can start searching for sources of funding. They can borrow from banks, families, and friends. They can pitch their business idea to angel investors and venture capitalists.

A college student entrepreneur needs to lease or buy a property to operate the business. It’s not realistic for student entrepreneurs to buy real estate at the onset, but the strategies of owning the property must be in the business plan.

A website is necessary because it can promote the business. Customers searching online for a product or service can discover the company even if it’s not fully operational. They can preorder the product or book an appointment for the service. Establishing a digital presence is also essential; thus, the business must have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat accounts. It’s also important to learn about marketing strategies to entice more customers.

3 Best Student-Run Start-ups

1.      Drone MVP

Harrison Sheinberg and Louis Van Hove started a fun and exciting platform, Drone MVP, which connects individuals with drone pilots. It’s a lucrative, rapidly growing niche because other businesses can search for a drone pilot to deliver the exact footage they want. On the other hand, pilots can have the right clients without spending on hefty advertising costs.

2.      Syllabye

Lucas DiPietrantonio and Jeremy Werden founded Syllabye, an electronic syllabus platform that helps fellow students keep track of their work. Members can log in to search for their school and add their class schedules. They don’t have to organize the information they wrote on emails, notes, and even their hands because Syllabye makes it easy for them to find all the info they need.

3.   Coursicle

Joe Puccio founded Coursicle, a platform that can help students to track classes for registration. It notifies them if a class has an available slot, so they can enlist. Aside from the app, it also has a website that offers the same class tracking service, but it also provides other information like professors and other classes.


College students don’t have to put their entrepreneurial spirit in the back burner while they earn their diplomas. They can build their start-ups while still in college. Many student businesses succeeded; there’s no reason why some learners don’t have to try.


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