Does Liberman use the “not our war” to get the Russian’s votes?

On June 25, 2012. then-Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman greets Russian President Vladimir Putin at Ben Gurion Airport (Kobi Gideon GPO)

By Mordechai Tzivin 

Until now, Russian media has not attacked the Jews fleeing the threat of recruitment. So why the repeated announcements made in recent days by Minister Yvette Lieberman is so essential?

Lieberman said to temporarily extend the application of the Law of Return to the fourth generation (beyond the “grandchild law”) and thereby allow “Jewish descendants” to escape the recruitment announced by Putin. By that, Lieberman pushes Jewish people out, and sooner is better. We have to remember: this is not our war.

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His statements are a serious act, which endangers the Jewish residents of Russia – today and especially in the future (and it is clear that they are made for narrow political reasons).

 Such statements relating to “not our war” are taunting the “Russian bear” a wide breeding ground for the development of anti-Semitic phenomena. Accusations that the Jews are traitors will easily arise in the homeland, and in gratitude, for the good treatment that Russia gave to the Jews, which is true in itself, and doubly true, from the Russian point of view.

Moreover, the complex situation in Russia will cause this anyway, God forbid. In any case, the Russian Jews may suffer from anti-Semitism. In any political scenario, the Jews are in trouble. If Putin is removed, it is possible that this will be accompanied by chaos, an interim period, between changes of government in totalitarian countries, they have never done good to minorities, certainly not to the Jews.

If there is a quiet revolution, whether the extreme right, on the one hand, or the liberal part, on the other hand, will seize the helm of the government, the Jews, in the best case in trouble, and in the worst case, in trouble.

 History is full of such examples.

If all this evil is expected anyway, so why add fuel to the fire, in the form of Lieberman’s provocative statements?

There is no concern for the Jews here because this is not our war. The local Jews have to make their own decisions.

Since it’s election time, here I am, the Moldavian Liberman – taking care of you, my brothers, the Jews of Russia, and even if you are not Jews (there are about 600,000 of them there) it’s not important: the main thing is the ballot paper.

 It was Lieberman who, in 2017, pushed to cancel the restrictive condition of issuing a passport to a new immigrant only after a one-year stay in Israel, thus allowing a new immigrant to receive a passport immediately upon entering Israel since then Israel has become a train station and a passport factory.

“I took care of your passport (a desirable product for the Russians): Vote for Israel Beytinu led by Lieberman.”

 This is nothing less than a scandal at the national level, and the abandonment of Jews in Russia, on the altar of specific party interests.

Does anyone even believe that Lieberman has another consideration?!

 And already one smart urbanite, what’s the big fuss? Lieberman is actually encouraging the escape of non-Jews, what does this have to do with a negative image towards Jews, after all, they are not the escapees – the traitors.  But it’s really not like that.

 The image is the one that determines, the Russian Gentile does not know the halachic definition of the term Jew, nor the Law of Return, as far as he is concerned they are all Jews.

  But, it’s not just about Lieberman, the whole system is reacting to the international crisis, in a way that endangers the Jews of the Russian Federation. Israel bets against the national interests of Russia, to condemn the annexation of territories in Ukraine. Lapid’s offensive statements towards Russia, and “humanitarian” aid to Ukraine, ignoring the presence of the Russians in Syria, the Russian weapons in the hands of Hezbollah, and the relationship with Iran. Israel’s policy is probably based on the assumption that Putin is going to fall, and it is not worth investing in a dead horse.

 But even if this happens, it will not prevent anti-Semitism from flourishing, the Jews will always suffer, and it has nothing to do with Putin the man. It has to do with the motherland.

 The Russian people, the Russian patriot, and most of them are like that, will never forget the treason of the Zids in their homeland.

The writer is a lawyer who deals with international criminal and civil cases, human rights, and Internationa arrest warr

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