CrazyBulk Reviews for 2024: Are the Supplements Effective?

Science and Health

CrazyBulk manufactures and sells legal steroid alternatives popular for cutting, bulking, and building strength. CrazyBulk reviews show that these bodybuilding pills, like D-Bal, contain natural ingredients that offer several benefits to help you achieve your fitness goals.

But is CrazyBulk legit? What are users saying about the company and its supplements? Do CrazyBulk steroid alternatives have side effects? We answer all these questions in our review and a lot more. Let’s start with CrazyBulk’s pros and cons.


  • All-natural, evidence-backed ingredients 
  • Essential nutrients for muscle growth and hormone production
  • Natural fat burners for effective weight loss
  • 60-day money-back guarantee 


  • Only available from the official website

Quick Verdict

CrazyBulk offers gentler, evidence-based alternatives to illegal steroids. They allow you to boost your fitness efforts while sparing you from unnecessary expenses and regret emanating from their unpredictable side effects. 

What Is CrazyBulk?

If you want natural, safe, and legal ways to enhance your workouts, check out this brand. CrazyBulk offers steroid alternatives that mimic the effects of steroids but without the associated risks. 

For example, D-Bal is CrazyBulk’s version of Dianabol, and Clenbutrol is their version of Clenbuterol. You don’t have to worry about any nasty side effects or withdrawal issues that come from steroid use, but you should follow the recommended dosage for each product. 

You may buy CrazyBulk Supplements individually or in bundles called “stacks.” Based on CrazyBulk stack reviews, they are designed to combine different products that work well together and give you better results than using them separately.

5 Key Benefits of the CrazyBulk Steroid Alternatives

According to many online CrazyBulk reviews, weight loss enthusiasts rave about the many benefits of taking natural steroid alternatives. Some aim to boost muscle growth or strength, other ingredients support recovery, and others help boost fat burning. 

1. Increased Muscle Mass

The ingredients support muscle growth and recovery. They provide amino acid building blocks, protective antioxidant properties, and regulate gene and hormone activity. 

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

2. Enhanced Fat Burning

CrazyBulk reviews were impressed by the ingredients in its cutting formulas. These may both increase your metabolic rate and prevent more body fat accumulation almost the same way as the best weight loss supplements. Through assisting muscle growth, others could also indirectly boost fat burning by raising your metabolic rate. 

3. Improved Strength and Stamina

By increasing the production of red blood cells and oxygen delivery to muscles, CrazyBulk supplements enhance strength, endurance, and overall performance. They also contain ingredients that may improve cellular energy production, which declines with age. 

4. Faster Recovery

With CrazyBulk products, you may recover faster and grow more robust muscles. They may help reduce inflammation, soreness, and damage to your muscles. They may also boost your cellular energy and antioxidants. Some of them help protect your muscles during cutting phases or intense workouts.

5. Natural and Safe Ingredients

CrazyBulk products rely on natural and herbal ingredients that are well-tolerated when taken in recommended servings. 

CrazyBulk Side Effects

CrazyBulk reviews from real users describe very few if any, side effects. Some users may experience mild acne and mood swings as their bodies adjust to increased testosterone production. This is usually a temporary issue that eventually fades.

There is also a risk of allergic reactions to herbal extracts, as well as interactions between drugs and supplement ingredients. Consult your doctor before starting any new supplement if you take prescription medication or have any known allergies. 

CrazyBulk Ingredients

Some CrazyBulk reviews praise the selected ingredients with each steroid alternative, citing their high efficacy. We researched some of the more common ingredients in the best steroid alternatives and summarized them below.


Arginine is an amino acid, a protein’s building block. Its primary use as a supplement, however, is its ability to widen blood vessels. 

Research shows that arginine may significantly improve cardio performance in athletes, as it enhances oxygen transport. Combining arginine with glycine may further relieve muscle fatigue [1]. 

Arginine may also help your body produce more growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), two hormones essential for muscle growth and repair. 

By taking arginine with other amino acids like ornithine, you can increase the production of these hormones even more. However, you need strength training to activate this process [2]. 


Ashwagandha is an adaptogen, an herbal remedy used to improve stress resilience. It may boost exercise-induced testosterone production, partly by reducing stress hormones, and protect muscles against damage [3]. 

Suma Root

Lab studies show a significant increase in testosterone, estrogen, and progesterone among mice given suma root for a month. Testosterone and estrogen are essential for muscle growth and protection, while progesterone may convert to testosterone [4]. 

Wild Yam

Wild yam contains diosgenin, a phytochemical used to make dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), the “mother” of all sex hormones, in the lab. Research suggests that the hormone may help improve fitness. 

When yam extract was given to male athletes in a given research study, their deadlift performance and arm fat-free mass significantly improved. Better yet, their DHEA, testosterone, and dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a turbo-charged form of testosterone, were restored [5]. 

Postmenopausal women may also benefit from yam extract by increasing their estrogen levels. There was also a slight drop in body fat percentage, indicating that yam may help address menopausal weight gain [6].

CrazyBulk Reviews of the Brand’s Most Popular Supplements

Here’s what most CrazyBulk users loved about the company’s supplements for muscle growth, fat loss, and improving overall body strength and fitness. 

Bulking Supplements

Supplements described in CrazyBulk reviews as intended for “bulking” center around helping you increase your muscle mass. 

1. D-Bal

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

D-Bal is CrazyBulk’s answer to Dianabol, a popular but illegal steroid. This natural supplement aims to help you gain muscle without the adverse side effects associated with Dianabol. 

The CrazyBulk supplement features suma root and ashwagandha, two ingredients that may dramatically boost hormone production and muscle growth. Ashwagandha also reduces cortisol, a stress hormone that may contribute to muscle tissue breakdown [3] [4].

Another ingredient in D-Bal is tribulus. It is reputed to help improve strength performance and reduce muscle damage [7].

>>Check the price for D-Bal

2. HGH-X2

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

HGH-X2 is a fan favorite among many CrazyBulk reviews. As the name implies, it is a natural alternative to synthetic Human Growth Hormone (HGH). This supplement aims to help you grow muscle and reduce recovery time while lowering the risks associated with illegal HGH usage.

HGH-X2 contains several amino acids that may support growth hormone production, such as arginine and ornithine. Both arginine and glycine support muscle growth and prevent breakdown [8]. This may make them essential to one of the most popular benefits discussed in CrazyBulk reviews. After strength training, arginine and ornithine may together help boost growth hormone production [2].

>>Check the price for HGH-X2

3. Tren-Max

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Previously known as Trenorol, Tren-Max mimics the effects of Trenbolone, a powerful but illegal steroid with strong testosterone-like effects. This natural alternative provides versatile muscle gain and fat loss benefits, making it suitable for bulking and cutting cycles. It includes ashwagandha, which may amplify the testosterone-boosting effect of exercise by up to five times [3].

Instead of overpowering your androgen receptors, Tren-Max contains magnesium, zinc, and nettle, which support your natural testosterone activity. Magnesium attaches to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that binds up testosterone and prevents its activity. When magnesium binds to SHBG instead, your free testosterone levels may rise [9]. 

>>Check the price for Tren-Max

Cutting Supplements

Cutting supplements discussed in CrazyBulk reviews help you lose fat while maintaining muscle mass. Like the others, these are available alone or as a stack.

1. Clenbutrol

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Clenbutrol is a low-risk alternative to Clenbuterol, a drug known for its fat-burning effects but also associated with significant risks. 

One of Clenbutrol’s features is a high dose of vitamin B3. Lab research suggests that its role in cellular energy production may help prevent increased body fat when you consume a higher-calorie diet. Instead, you may build muscle and enjoy an energy surplus in your body [10]. 

It also contains garcinia and bitter orange extract. Studies show that bitter orange extract may boost your basal metabolic rate, which is the amount of energy you burn at rest, and also help improve exercise performance. On the other hand, garcinia reduces the accumulation of body fat [11]. 

>>Check the price for Clenbutrol

2. Anvarol

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Anvarol is CrazyBulk’s alternative to the popular cutting steroid Anavar. By increasing cellular energy production in your muscles, you may be able to burn fat more efficiently.

Anvarol contains PeakATP, a supplemental form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the energy currency of your cells. One study found that PeakATP significantly improved reaction time and movement accuracy during a cycle sprint test, relieving exercise-induced cognitive fatigue. This makes sports more enjoyable and helps improve your performance, boosting your overall motivation [12].

Another ingredient in Anavrol is yam root, which may boost testosterone or estrogen. It appears to reduce testosterone loss after exercise, a normal response to stress that may impair gains. Yam root may even increase estrogen levels in menopausal women, which is necessary for muscle maintenance [5] [6].

>>Check the price for Anvarol

3. Testo-Max

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Testo-Max is one of the most popular testosterone booster supplements in CrazyBulk reviews. It is designed to naturally maintain normal hormone levels, resulting to increased strength and energy. 

Testo-Max’s list of ingredients includes Korean ginseng and fenugreek. Korean ginseng may significantly increase testosterone in overweight men with metabolic syndrome. Meanwhile, fenugreek may boost testosterone by up to 20% or more, even in healthy, younger men. This may be partially due to a reduction in stress hormones, which may interfere with sex hormone production [13]. 

>>Check the price for Testo-Max

Strength Supplements

Strength-focused supplements overlap with bulking formulas. However, they focus more on your overall fitness instead of muscle gains alone. Let’s look at some of the best CrazyBulk supplements for strength and stamina.

1. Win-Max

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Win-Max is CrazyBulk’s natural version of the popular Winstrol. This supplement supports muscle growth while reducing fat, making it ideal for cutting cycles.

Win-Max contains a high dose of chromium, a trace mineral that supports sugar metabolism. Chromium may likely protect your muscles during fat loss by boosting energy availability [11]. Chromium may work well with acetyl-l-carnitine, another ingredient involved in energy metabolism.

Carnitine may make energy metabolism more efficient, and over time, it may improve exercise performance by 35%. It also works by helping you burn fat while building strength [14].

>>Check the price for Win-Max

2. Anadrole

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Anadrole is CrazyBulk’s alternative to Anadrol. Opting for Anadrole may boost red blood cell production, which helps deliver more oxygen to your muscles.

One of Anadrole’s more unusual ingredients is shilajit, a resin-like substance rich in plant minerals and organic acids. 

Early research shows that shilajit may increase energy production and could boost testosterone levels by over 20%. This may translate to higher sperm counts with shilajit supplementation [15]. 

Anadrole also contains vitamins B6, B9 (folate), and B12. These vitamins are essential for the production of red blood cells, which is, in turn, indispensable for oxygen transportation around the body. Vitamins B6 and B12 are also required for cellular energy production [16].

>>Check the price for Anadrole

3. Deca-Max

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

Formulated to increase endurance and recovery, Deca-Max is the ideal bodybuilding companion to take your performance to the next level. One of its key CrazyBulk ingredients–wild yam–contains compounds that can be converted into DHEA, a hormone involved in various bodily functions, including muscle growth and repair [5].

Thanks to ingredients like ginseng and acetyl-l-carnitine, Deca-Max can also be used as a pre-workout supplement. Ginseng is known for its adaptogenic properties and may help improve exercise performance, while acetyl-l-carnitine can reduce fatigue and support mental focus and concentration during workouts.

>>Check the price for Deca-Max


Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) behave similarly to testosterone. They are expected to be much gentler, however, as they are more selective in the types of receptors that they may attach to. CrazyBulk SARMs support testosterone production and offer related benefits. 

1. TESTOL 140

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

TESTOL 140 has ingredients that may boost your testosterone production or free it from SHBG, such as zinc and magnesium. Better yet, some ingredients may promote muscle growth without working on the hormone. 

Others include vitamin D3 and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which may enhance the effects of exercise and enhance fat loss efforts [17].

>>Check the price for Testol 140

2. IBUTA 677

(credit: FitLiving graphics team)

IBUTA 677 is packed with amino acids that may support growth hormones alongside zinc for testosterone and energy. Its arginine, lysine, glycine, glutamine, tyrosine, and ornithine contents are a winning combination for muscle development. 

Arginine may increase protein production in the muscle, while lysine helps to prevent muscle breakdown. Glycine switches on the same gene that supports muscle growth and reduces breakdown [8]. 

Zinc may have its own protective effects on your muscles [16]. Its main drawcard, however, is the potential to boost testosterone levels in men and women. A study on postmenopausal women found that zinc supplementation almost doubled their testosterone levels [18]. 

>>Check the price for IBUTA 677

Where to Buy CrazyBulk Online

One of the main complaints in CrazyBulk reviews is how it’s exclusively sold online. Some third-party sellers online are almost definitely selling fakes, which may contain fewer or no active ingredients or potentially harmful ingredients. Do not trust any CrazyBulk review that claims you may purchase them elsewhere, and only purchase it on the official CrazyBulk website to guarantee a legitimate product. 

The official website often offers special CrazyBulk coupons and discounts, including free worldwide shipping, loyalty programs, and workout guides. While CrazyBulk does not offer refunds on opened or used products, they have a 60-day refund policy for unopened products, providing customer satisfaction and peace of mind. The third-party sellers won’t provide refund policies.

What Customers Think of CrazyBulk

We scoured the internet to give you the scoop of the most important CrazyBulk customer reviews, both positive and negative. 

CrazyBulk Reviews on Trustpilot

CrazyBulk enjoys strong reviews on its official website. Some users even share CrazyBulk reviews before-and-after pictures with great results. On Trustpilot, it boasts an average of 4/5 stars from 5,659 users. 

On the positive side, customers love the timely deliveries and effectiveness of the products—one even mentioned that it’s their second time buying, and they plan to keep coming back for more [19]. Another user had a great experience, noting how well the products worked for them [20]. 

However, not all CrazyBulk testimonials are glowing. For instance, one customer complained about a lack of notifications and a delayed shipment, expressing surprise at the poor experience given their previous positive interactions with the company [21].

CrazyBulk Reviews on Amazon

The manufacturer doesn’t currently sell its products on third-party sites like Amazon or eBay, so you won’t find CrazyBulk reviews on these platforms.

CrazyBulk Reviews on Reddit

On the r/supplements subreddit, one user shared their excitement after purchasing CrazyBulk’s D Bal, hoping it would help them break through their plateau in muscle gains, fat loss, and strength. They mentioned being in good shape but craving more progress and said their diet and routine were already solid, so if they saw any changes, they’d attribute them to CrazyBulk. However, a few others weren’t so optimistic [22].

FAQs on CrazyBulk and Its Natural Steroids

From cost to safety and efficacy, here are the first questions customers have in mind when reading CrazyBulk reviews. 

Is CrazyBulk a Legit Site?

Yes, it is. The company has an average rating of 4 out of 5 on Trustpilot from 5,659 users, and 70% of those gave them 5 stars. Most users praise its supplements’ efficacy and responsive support team.

How Long Does It Take for CrazyBulk D-Bal to Work?

The manufacturer recommends using it for a minimum of two months to see meaningful results. However, CrazyBulk results may vary, and you may notice changes sooner rather than later. For lasting results, you should also combine the natural supplement with a balanced diet and a suitable workout plan.

What Is an Alternative to CrazyBulk?

If you’re comparing CrazyBulk to other brands, Brutal Force is an alternative option that offers a similar selection of legal steroid alternatives as CrazyBulk. However, their supplements are slightly less expensive than CrazyBulk’s.

How Do You Take CrazyBulk Winsol?

Winsol is now known as Win-Max; you only need to take 3 capsules of it with water after any meal on both active and off days.

Is CrazyBulk Worth the Money?

This answer to this will depend on your individual circumstances and expectations. If you’re looking for a brand that offers a wide range of steroid alternatives for cutting, bulking and building strength, then CrazyBulk is worth the money.

CrazyBulk Reviews: Final Thoughts

Many studies and user reviews support the benefits and efficacy of the ingredients in CrazyBulk supplements. The company offers 4 categories of bodybuilding supplements to cover all your fitness needs, and this article has explored the products in each category so you can make an informed decision. 

That said, you should always remember that dietary supplements like D-Bal work best when you take them with a consistent and healthy balanced diet and a well-planned exercise routine. We also recommend consulting your doctor before adding any new supplement to your routine.


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  19. “Harry Tomczak Gave CrazyBulk 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 13 Sept. 2024.
  20. “Jaxon Maxwell Gave CrazyBulk 5 Stars. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 13 Sept. 2024.
  21. “George D De Leon Gave CrazyBulk 1 Star. Check out the Full Review.” Trustpilot, Accessed 13 Sept. 2024.
  22. ThatAwesomeGinger. “Question about CrazyBulk Supplements. : R/Supplements.” Reddit.Com, Accessed 13 Sept. 2024.
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