Ben Stiller Comes to the Rescue in Ukraine

Ben Stiller

Ben Stiller in Poland (photo by Andrew McConnell UNHCR)

Zoolander himself, Ben Stiller, is coming to the aid of Ukrainian refugees. The Ukrainians, who have suffered under almost four months of Russian attacks, must be thrilled to see the “Night at the Museum” star become their savior.

Ben Stiller has partnered with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to help Ukrainian refugees who have been displaced by the Russian invasion of their country.

His trip began with a visit to a UNHCR operated Ukrainian refugee center in Poland. Ben Stiller then traveled on to western Ukraine. Never mind that just a few days ago European leaders like France’s President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis and the Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi all came to Kyiv in person and met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. There is nothing like it when a big Hollywood star kind of sort of risks his life by visiting a war torn country, albeit in a region far away from the fighting.

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“I’ve just arrived in Poland with UNHCR, to meet families whose lives have been torn apart by war and violence in Ukraine,” Ben Stiller posted on social media. “Millions have been forced to flee their homes with over 90% being women and children. I’m here to learn, to share stories that illustrate the human impact of war and to amplify calls for solidarity. I hope you’ll follow along and share your own messages of support, for people who have fled their homes in Ukraine and for people who have been forced to flee all over the world.  Everyone has the right to seek safety. Whoever, wherever, whenever.”

So, if it were not for Ben Stiller’s visit, the world may not have even heard about what has been going on in Ukraine. And now Stiller is sharing stories that “illustrate the human impact of war.” Thank goodness! Now people will finally get to find out just how awful war can be, especially on civilians.

Maybe now because of Ben Stiller’s actions the Russian people will realize what a horrible thing their country has done and demand that their President, Vladimir Putin, withdraw from Ukraine.