Business Studies: How to Write a Stellar Essay in College


By Contributing Author 

Students of every faculty need to have perfect writing skills because they are of great demand today. Those who study business should pay special attention to writing papers. Wonder why? When writing essays, you learn to express your thoughts and ideas. It is impossible to succeed in business, become a leader, rule the company without an ability to persuade that your opinion is the one others should listen to. Writing a high-quality essay paper may be a real challenge. 

Even smart and hard-working Jewish students sometimes decide to ask someone from professional essay writing services who can quickly and easily handle requests to write my paper with fast delivery. Some think that only those who lack motivation ask for writing help but in reality, most Jewish students who request academic assistance are responsible and don’t like missing deadlines, which makes them ask for help. Have you ever thought about how professional writers manage to create stellar essays? Check what steps an essay writer should make to complete a winning paper. 

Step 1: Define the Topic

Sometimes, tutors assign writing an essay on a certain topic. In this case, there is nothing to do.

You just need to start looking for the relevant materials. But usually, college professors allow students to write on a topic they find most interesting for them. There are many business essay topics to choose from. It depends on your specialization. But there are certain things to keep in mind when choosing a topic. It doesn’t matter whether you’re going to write an essay in Management, Marketing, Finance, etc., write about questions you’re interested in. 

It’s the only way to write an insightful essay paper. Just choose some business idea or a personality you’re fond of, the phenomenon you’d like to examine, etc. It mustn’t be a narrow or a broad topic for you to be able to cover all the key points. 

Step 2: Write a Powerful Thesis Statement

You need to think about the key idea of your paper. What is the purpose of your essay writing? What do you want to tell your reader and why does he or she need this information? These are the essential questions you need to answer in your thesis statement. It must be just one or a couple of sentences where you need to include the most significant points and your personal opinion. 

Step 3: Work on Essay Outline

Structuring an essay is one of the most important steps. You can brainstorm millions of great ideas, find thousands of interesting facts but this will have no value without an appropriate structure. So, when you’ve got materials you’re going to use in your essay, think about the systematic approach of how to organize data. There is a general essay structure you need to follow. 

  • Open the essay with a hooking sentence. In a business essay, it can be either a question the reader will be willing to answer or some interesting statistics. Also, you can give background information about the company if it’s relevant to the chosen topic.
  • Then, proceed to the main arguments and evidence. Write no less than three paragraphs of the main body where you include the most important information. The main part should be detailed and contain the answer to all the key questions of your essay.
  • Finish the essay with a strong conclusion. Is it time to conclude all the thoughts but you have no idea how to do this? You’re recommended to summarize key points and restate your thesis. Also, you can write about research that can contribute to a deeper insight into your topic. Tell the reader how he or she can use the information to his/her benefit.  By the way, if it seems to you that you haven’t reflected on some point to the full extent, you can use the conclusion to tell about this. Just say that you’re going to touch upon this or that question in your next paper.

Step 3: Prepare the First Draft

Write an essay draft where you can make corrections. Follow the structure and try to make it maximum clear and concise. It’s convenient to have a working draft where you include all the ideas and keywords. Have the outline you’ve written before in front of you when writing an essay draft. When it’s ready, proceed to the final step – check whether everything is perfect or there are paragraphs that require improvements. 

Step 4: Edit and Proofread the Paper

If you have time until the submission, you’re recommended to have a rest after writing and then return to the paper check in several hours. Sometimes, it’s difficult for an author to notice the mistakes made. That’s why experts recommend reading essays aloud. It’s great if you have listeners who can express their opinion. If not, then, at least, you should use the software, which will help to check grammar and lexical mistakes as well as the presence of plagiarized thoughts.

Follow the tips above and you’re guaranteed to get a positive grade for the well-structured error-free essay.