Canadian ZoomerMedia will broadcast ILTV’s news Israel Daily
Canadian Jewish media tycoon Moses Znaimer, owner of five television channels and two radio stations will broadcast news from Israel.

Israeli independent online News Channel ILTV and the Canadian television corporation ZoomerMedia (ZML) have signed a two-year cooperation agreement.
As part of the agreement, the Toronto-based company acquired the broadcasting rights in Canada for the daily program Israel Daily and will broadcast it on its television channels (Joy Tv & Faith TV). In addition, ZoomerMedia has gained permission for the ILTV content library.
Launched in 2015, ILTV produces and broadcasts a daily news edition alongside other magazine content about Israel from a local perspective in English. They operating from Ynet studios.

Currently, ILTV is broadcasting on about ten different television channels, most of them in the United States, to Jewish communities and evangelical Christians. ILTV has millions of views every month also among English speakers living in Israel.
ZoomerMedia Corporation, founded in 2008 by Canadian Jewish media tycoon Moses Znaimer, who is internationally known for the creation of TV channels like CityTV, MuchMusic, Bravo!, Space and the 24-hour multi-screen local news and information channel CablePulse24 (now CP24).

Moses also combines media, content, and advocacy to champion the needs and interests of Canada’s 17.2 million people aged 45plus, aka. “Zoomers” (an amalgam Boomers with Zip!), as Chairman and President of CARP, Canada’s largest Advocacy Association for Canadians As We Age, with 320,000 members across Canada.
In Canada ILTV’s ISRAEL DAILY, plays as part of a Monday to Friday alternative News Hour that it shares with CBN News on ZoomerMedia’s Faith and Opinion channels JoyTV & FaithTV.
“Biased reporting and anti-Israel agendas are sadly prevalent in much of today’s mainstream media. From the spinning of unfolding political events in order to portray Israel in a negative light, to the brazen misrepresentation of facts, too many media outlets provide the fuel which shapes negative public opinion and contributes to the attempted delegitimization of the State of Israel,” said Moses. “ILTV is an important effort to redress this imbalance, and project a positive but realistic image of a dynamic, creative, forward-thinking and, indeed, peace-seeking society.”
Tom Zadok General Manager, ILTV said: “The partnership with ZoomerMedia marks a significant step for us, and we consider it an honor and a privilege to have been chosen to provide our content every evening, to millions of Canadians.”
Read more about: ILTV News, Moses Znaimer, ZoomerMedia