DAY 1: More Than 150 Rockets Fired at Israel by 2PM


Photo Credit: Flash 90

Israeli firefighters work to extinguish a fire at a factory in Sderot, caused by rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, November 12, 2019.

Since the start of Tuesday morning, Gaza terrorists have launched more than 150 rockets and missiles at the State of Israel, according to the IDF.

Of those, the Iron Dome anti-missile defense system intercepted at least 60 of the projectiles whose trajectory was identified by the system as a threat to a major population center in the country.


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Nevertheless, other rockets managed to get through.

A private home in the southern Israeli city of Sderot took a direct hit from a missile launched by Gaza terrorists during the morning hours. Miraculously, no one was hurt in the attack.

Later in the morning, however, a rocket hit a factory in the Sderot industrial area.

Islamic Jihad Rocket Hits Sderot Factory, Fire Fighters Forced to Take Cover

Again, no injuries were reported — but the factory was badly damaged.

Three people in Ashkelon were injured in rocket attacks aimed at the city during the morning hours, two who suffered from shock and one who sustained mild injuries after falling while racing to a bomb shelter. All three were taken to Barzilai Medical Center in the city.

A man in his forties was treated for anxiety and a teenage girl was slightly injured while running to a bomb shelter in the port city of Ashdod, also during the morning. Both were taken to Assuta Medical Center in Ashdod.

High voltage lines supplying electricity to a number of communities in the Shefelah (lowlands) in central Israel, and in the southern region, were damaged by rocket fire. The lines were repaired around midday by technicians from the Israel Electric Company.

One rocket exploded on the Highway 4 intersection between the southern coastal city of Ashkelon and the more northern port city of Ashdod.

In the Negev city of Netivot, a family was saved solely by a miracle and the fact that their home contained a “mamad” – a built-in bomb shelter that resembles a regular room but is actually a reinforced “safe space.”

When the Red Alert incoming rocket alert began, the family raced for cover and locked the “mamad” door tight behind them, just as they heard a BOOM! in the house. As the family emerged, they realized a real miracle had taken place; the remains of a very large missile on the floor of the living room explained the severe damage to what was left of their home.


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