Masmidei Hasiyum is an exciting global program designed to get boys involved and interested in the Grand 13th Siyum Hashas of Daf Yomi, which in Israel, will be held for English-speakers at Binyanei Ha’uma in Yerushalayim on January 1, 2020, the 4th of Tevet, 5780.
Through learning Mishnayot and Gemara, boys from 3rd grade and up can earn raffle tickets and win valuable prizes. For every 3 Mishnayos or 10 lines of Gemara, boys can earn a raffle ticket.
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The more they learn, the more they can earn, thereby increasing their chances of winning. Learning can take place in after-school Matmidim groups, or even at home. Homework and review also qualify.
Each week, a raffle is drawn with 20 lucky winners. Prizes include vouchers for toys and Sefarim. On Rosh Chodesh Kislev and Rosh Chodesh Tevet – two raffles will be drawn for bigger prizes, including a set of Reisman Mishnayos and a mountain bike.
All participants in the program will be eligible to take part in a special drawing where three boys will be invited to the Siyum Hashas for English-speakers and will get to personally meet Gedolim.
Don’t miss this chance to encourage your child to increase his Limud HaTorah and win valuable prizes.
Let them join thousands of boys all over the world who are already part of Masmidei Hasiyum so they can start earning raffle tickets today! For more information and to join please contact: [email protected].
Winners will be notified.
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