Channel 12 Poll Shows Blue&White with 37 Seats, Likud Sinking to 30


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According to a new Channel 12 poll conducted on Monday by Panels Politics, had the elections been held yesterday (don’t we all wish?) the relationship between two blocs would not change, that is, Benjamin Netanyahu and Benny Gantz would still have trouble forming a new government. However, the gap between the two major parties, Likud and Blue&White, has grown significantly.

According to the survey results, Blue&White would get 37 seats, compared to Likud’s 30 seats.



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The overall survey results are:

Blue&White at an all-time high with 37 seats; Likud deteriorates to 30 seats; Joint Arab List remains the same with 13; Shas with 8 seats; United Torah Judaism and Liberman’s Israel Beiteinu each with 7 seats; Defense Minister Bennett’s New Right jumps to 6 seats; Labor-Gesher down to 5 seats; Habayit Hayehudi and the Democratic Camp (Meretz) scrape the threshold with 4 seats each.

The leftwing bloc now has 45 seats, compared with the rightwing bloc which still has 55 seats. Avigdor Liberman remains the kingbreaker with his 7 mandates. While the Arab Joint List sits outside any coalition with 13 mandates.

The survey also asked whether Netanyahu deserves to serve as prime minister after his indictments. Only 37% of respondents said he does, compared with 56% who believe he doesn’t, and 7% who don’t know.

The survey was conducted on November 25, 2019 by Panels Politics. It included 510 respondents aged 18+ which were a representative sample of the adult population in Israel, Jews and Arabs. The poll has a ± 4.2% margin of error.


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