Five Family Members Hurt in Lightning Strike at Zikim Beach


Photo Credit: Greg Bierer / Pixabay

Five members of one family were all injured when they were struck by lightning on the first day of Chol Hamoed Sukkot (Tuesday Oct. 15) at Zikim Beach near the southern Mediterranean coastal city of Ashkelon.

There were two unconscious young people on the beach, and one who was drifting in and out of consciousness,” said Magen David Adom paramedic Keren Slobodnik, one of the first to arrive on the scene. One was resuscitated but the second remained unconscious, she said.


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All five family members were evacuated to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon after receiving first aid on site.

A 14 year old boy is in critical condition. A 21-year-old female member of the Hazut family was seriously hurt. Three other family members, ages 24, 17 and 13, were listed in fair condition, according to Ynet.

The father of the family has asked the public to please pray for the safety and complete recovery of Efrat bat Sarah, Elhanan ben Mazal and Asher ben Mazal.

The sudden rain storm, which began farther north and swept across the country towards the south, destroyed numerous sukkot (holiday booths) that weren’t strong enough to stand up to the pounding rain and winds.

It also ended a Chol Hamoed holiday event sponsored by Nefesh B’Nefesh in collaboration with government agencies that was held at Deerland Park in Gush Etzion for English-speaking North American families who have immigrated to Israel with the aliyah organization over the past 15 years.


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