Google to Members of U.S. Congress Who Voted Against Election certification: No Money for You!


Google to Members of U.S. Congress Who Voted Against Election certification: No Money for You!

Amazon, Facebook and even Disney have all made similar moves.

Google has joined the long list of American corporations who are distancing themselves from politicians who either voted in the U.S. Congress against certifying President Joe Biden’s election, questioned the legitimacy of last year’s presidential elections, or who have in any way attempted to defend the actions of the mob which attacked the U.S. Capitol on January 16. The company has announced that it is suspending any and all U.S. Congress members who voted against certification of America’s Electoral College vote back on January 6.

Such political contributions are made by Google through its political action committee Google NetPAC(GNP). This was formed by Google Inc. in 2006 as a way for Google to make political contributions. The PAC also lobbies the federal government on legislation that concerns Google , including issues of cybersecurity, privacy, employment policies, and immigration policies.

“After the disturbing events at the Capitol, NetPAC paused all contributions while undertaking a review. Following that review, the NetPAC board has decided that it will not be making any contributions this cycle to any member of Congress who voted against certification of the election results,” said José Castañeda, a Google spokesperson.

Google is not alone in this respect. Amazon, Walt Disney, Nike, Walmart, Verizon, Facebook Microsoft and many more top companies all made similar moves in the aftermath of the January 16th Riot.

Many financial firms like Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase and Citigroup also suspended their political contributions in the aftermath of the January 16th attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The move by Google comes only two weeks after it removed a social media app used by extremists instead of Twitter called Parler from its Play Store. This, in effect, means that Parler would not be available on any Android devices. Since then Parler was also almost put out of business for good when Amazon kicked it off of the company’s servers.

According to a report in Axios, Google took the move against Parler because the app did not take measures to remove hostile posts in the wake of Wednesday’s attack on the U.S. Capitol. The suspension does not have a time limit, but Parler could be reinstated if it deals with the problem and agrees to police itself.