Photo Credit: Flash 90

NY Governor Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday ordered a state hate crimes task force to investigate the Monday attack on an Orthodox man in Manhattan, which followed a string of anti-Semitic attacks in recent days (Man Curses, Punches, Kicks Orthodox Jew, 65, on Manhattan’s East Side).
Cuomo issued a statement saying, “This horrific and cowardly act of anti-Semitism is repugnant to our values, and it’s even more despicable that it occurred over the holidays. We have absolutely zero tolerance for bigotry and hate, and we will continue to call it out whenever and wherever it rears its ugly head.”
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The most recent attack was recorded on Tuesday night on surveillance video in Crown Heights, when a Jewish man, 56, was walking down Union Street after 5 PM and a group of four young adults came up from behind and one hit him in the back of the head with a fist.
Monday’s attack took place in on East 41st Street in midtown Manhattan, when a Miami man, 28, cursed, punched and kicked a Jewish man, 65.
Mayor de Blasio tweeted Wednesday night: “This despicable anti-Semitic act — as families are gathered to celebrate Chanukah — is an affront to our city’s values. Thank you to @NYPDHateCrimes for their quick work apprehending the attacker and sending a clear message: hate has NO home in our city.”
The mayor also tweeted: “It’s not enough to condemn anti-Semitism – we have to confront it. The despicable crimes committed against our Jewish community over the last 24 hours are an attack on ALL New Yorkers.”
The Anti-Defamation League is offering a $10,000 reward for any information that leads to an arrest in the Crown Heights case which was caught on camera.
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