A Jewish teen was threatened Monday night by a pair of armed anti-Semites in the Bensonhurt section of Brooklyn, according to a report published by the New York Post.
The attackers yelled, “Hey Jew boy” as they flashed a knife at the 17-year-old, who was walking on Avenue O and West 8th Street, according to law enforcement sources quoted by the paper.
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The area has two synagogues within a block of the site where the incident occurred; the area has seen an increase in the Orthodox Jewish population in recent years.
More than a dozen anti-Semitic hate crimes have taken place over the past 10 days, not including the fresh attacks reported each day so far this week.
Last week’s anti-Semitic traumas included a domestic terror attack by a 37-year-old suspect with a history of mental illness, aggression, violence towards his mother and arrests for possession of a weapon, reckless endangerment and menacing a police officer, the latter three in September 2018.
Thomas’s mental illness did not impair his ability to find the home of Rabbi Chaim Rottenberg in Monsey New York, some 30 miles from his own home, clutching an 18-inch machete on the seventh night of Chanukah, where he slashed and stabbed as many people as he could reach before fleeing.
Five people, all Chassidic Jews, were hurt in that attack. Among them was 70-year-old Yosef Neumann, a father of seven and grandfather of many more. He remains in critical condition, his family informed by doctors that he most likely will never regain consciousness, because the machete broke his skull and cut directly into his brain.
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