Israel receives new armored ambulances amid Gaza war


Israel received its first shipment of new armored ambulances at Ben-Gurion Airport on Sunday, according to Walla.

The ambulances were purchased in an emergency procurement conducted by the Defense Ministry’s Mission to the US due to the war with Hamas in Gaza.

The shipment included dozens of ambulances that were built and armored in the US on the basis of the Toyota Landcruiser 78, which isn’t sold in Europe anymore as it doesn’t meet the Euro 6 emission standards.

How are the ambulances armored?

The ambulances were assembled by the Alpine Armoring Inc. and are equipped with a 198 hp V8 diesel engine with a 42.9 kg-m torque. The vehicles have a 5-speed manual transmission and four-wheel drive.

Wounded Israeli soldiers from the south arrive to the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem, October 7, 2023 (credit: NOAM REVKIN FENTON/FLASH90)

According to Alpine Armoring’s website, the ambulances are bulletproof and protected against 7.62mm lead core, 5.56×45 and M80 ball rounds, as well as 2 DM51 hand grenades. The windows are made from multi-layered ballistic glass and the vehicle also has anti-mine protection.

The ambulances were flown to Israel by the Interdel Logistics company from the Allalouf Group. Last month, Interdel Logistics facilitated a shipment of 17 new ambulances for Magen David Adom (MDA).