Israeli official: “China opposes the autopsy of the ambassador’s body”


Israeli official: “China opposes the autopsy of the ambassador’s body”

The findings of the examination determined that the ambassador died of cardiac arrest in his sleep.  There is no other indication of poisoning or suffocation.

The death of China’s ambassador to Israel. Photo credit: Moti Kimchi, Ynet News

A senior Israeli official referred to the death of China’s ambassador to Israel, Dui, saying “we will never know for sure what the cause of death was, because the Chinese, like the Jews, oppose the autopsy.”

The Chinese Ambassador Du Wei, 58, was found dead in his apartment on Sunday morning after he did not arrive for breakfast at the embassy.

Initially, China intended to send a probe team to Israel to investigate the circumstances of his death – and there were also contacts between the countries to coordinate the arrival of the delegation. Israel also agreed to exempt it from the isolation obligation.

The delegation was also to be accompanied by representatives of the ambassador’s family. However, yesterday the Chinese unexpectedly announced that they will not send an investigative mission.

The Chinese move means that Beijing is giving up the opportunity to conduct its own investigation or to examine the results of the toxicological examination carried out by Israel to the body of the ambassador.

The body was transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine for examination by a mobile laboratory in the arena. The findings of the examination determined that the ambassador died of cardiac arrest in his sleep.  There is no other indication in the arena of poisoning or suffocation.

BREAKING: China’s ambassador to Israel found dead in his apartment

Du Wei’s death was of great interest as it happened near the visit of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in the country – where he warned against Chinese investment in Israel. Prior to his death, the ambassador even responds to allegations made by Pompeo.

Ambassador’s body will be flown to China on Wednesday on El Al’s Cargo flight to Beijing.

According to the procedure, a brief ceremony is expected to be held at Ben Gurion Airport, where two foreign ministry officials will escort the coffin. The ministry also will issue a mourning ad, will attend the funeral, and will place a wreath on the grave.

Because of the coronavirus restrictions and the suspension of flights to China, it is unclear when the body will be returned for burial.

Ambassador Du began his service in Israel in February, in the midst of the Coronavirus crisis. Upon his arrival, he was required to spend two weeks in solitary confinement. He left survived by a wife and son, who are not in the country. On Friday, he was still able to host a small barbecue event. People who knew him personally and talked to him said that his mood was very good in recent days, and he talked about his plans for the day after the pandemic.

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