Leading Orthodox Rabbi Benny Lau: Gays Can Raise Children


Acclaimed Israeli author Rabbi Benny Lau supports same sex couples.

Rabbi Benny Lau Facebook

Leading National Religious figure Rabbi Binyamin Lau has professed his supports for LGBTQs right under the Jewish tradition to have their own families including the raising of children.

This probably comes as a shock to a lot of people. But it would not surprise the people who actually know Benny Lau.

In the video below the leading Israeli Rabbi can be seen speaking out (In Hebrew) against Homophobia:

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The Bible says in the book of Genesis, “It is not good for Man to be alone.” And so God made Eve as a companion for Adam.

Today we frequently here the refrain of, “Its Adam and Eve! Not Adam and Steve.” But whoever this Steve may be, apparently Rabbi Benny Lau interprets the concept of “not good for Man to be alone” differently than others.

And he uses this phrase in the title for his new statement which Rabbi Lau released on Facebook titled, “Not good for man to be alone” Relationships and family for the sons and daughters of the LGBT community.

The Rabbi exclaimed that there is nothing in Jewish law which would preclude e LGBTQ people from raising children and building a family.

“Every person’s desire to bring life into the world is a deep and innate nature. No one can, and must not, suppress this inner desire.”

In a statement which he released on Facebook Rabbi Lau explained, “The need for a relationship of a person with a homosexual orientation is no different from the needs of all human beings.

“Some people are looking for a relationship with a member of the opposite sex and some are looking for a relationship with a member of the same sex. “

And Rabbi Lau went further, stating that one is actually forbidden from entering into a marriage with a person of the opposite sex if they are gay.

“If the contact or attraction to members of the opposite sex causes complete rejection – it is forbidden to try and build a normal family,” he explained. “This is a serious injury to the person with whom one enters into an alliance.”

Rav Benny Lau is the founder and co-head of the Israeli initiative 929 along with Gal Gabbai. In addition, he is the rabbi of the Ramban synagogue in Jerusalem and is a community leader, activist, author, and public speaker.

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Read more about: Benny Lau, LGBTQ, Rabbi Benny Lau