Mekorot to increase the amount of water supplied to Israel’s North  


In the upcoming years, Israel’s North will enjoy an increase it in the amount of water it receives thanks to a new project by the country’s national water company.

Mekorot, which celebrated its 87th anniversary since its establishment on Thursday, has launched a project to supply more water to the Haifa, Nesher, and Carmel regions.

“Our new endeavor will enhance the water supply to the Carmel region and surrounding communities, also in order to enable a better response to wildfires or natural disasters in the area,” said Eyal Ben David, Mekorot’s Vice President for Development and Customers.

Currently, the existing lines in the Carmel region supply water to Kibbutz Beit Oren and the Damon Prison area.

 The new system will reach the University of Haifa and provide additional water to the cities of Haifa, Nesher, and the sites operated by the Nature and Parks Authority along the way.

A complex project

 The project includes laying five sections of pipelines with a total length of about 15 km, in addition to the construction of two reservoirs and two new pumping stations.

 The pipeline route passes through a nature reserve, wadis, and also the Israel Trails (Route 721). The project is highly complex and will include suspended lines as well as lines on concrete columns.

 Several fire extinguishing hydrants will be installed along the new line as part of the project. The hydrants will serve the firefighting services in case of fires, in light of the numerous accidents that have occurred in the past in the area, which require a constant supply of water to different parts of the forest.