Mossad Helps Denmark Foil Terrorist Attacks


Photo Credit: Amos Ben Gershom / GPO

Mossad Director Yossi Cohen at Libertad launch event.

Israel’s international Mossad intelligence agency helped Denmark thwart a series of terrorist attacks this week, according to an exclusive report on Saturday by Channel 12 television news.

The agency provided Denmark’s security personnel with information leading to the arrest of 20 suspected jihadists, according to the report, which did not name its sources. As a result, the attacks were prevented at the last minute.


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The suspects were accused of involvement in Islamist terrorism, according to The Associated Press, which quoted Denmark’s Security and Intelligence Service head Flemming Drejer as saying they were “driven by a militant, Islamist motive.”

Some of the suspects were charged on Thursday under Denmark’s terror laws in a procedure held “behind double closed doors,” meaning there were no information made available to the public.

Copenhagen Police Chief Inspector Joergen Bergen Skov told a joint news conference with the domestic intelligence service, “Some had procedure things to make explosives and tried to acquire weapons.” Police raided about 20 addresses in Denmark, with six police departments across the country taking part.

No details were provided about the target, or when an attack was to have taken place.

Over the past two years, Israeli intelligence has helped thwart some 50 terrorist attacks around the globe, according to Channel 12.


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