New Bar-Ilan AI aids in informed automobile decision-making

Engineers, transportation experts, and futurists all agree that vehicles – cars, trucks, buses, trains, and eventually even planes – will be autonomous and driverless. Now, a new measure for distinguishing between high- and low- confidence artificial intelligence (AI) decision-making by researchers at Bar-Ilan University (BIU) in Ramat Gan has been shown to significantly boost the […]

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Can an agriculture project led by Air Force veterans reshape Bedouin lif

One of the world’s leading entities in advanced agriculture is exploring opportunities for significant economic upliftment in the Bedouin community of the Negev. The intriguing twist? It’s an Israeli enterprise founded by former Israeli Air Force personnel.  Traditionally, much of Bedouin society revolves around agriculture, primarily focusing on animal husbandry, seasonal crops, and spice cultivation. […]

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BIRD Foundation approves $9.6M for 10 joint US-Israeli ventures

The Board of Governors of the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development (BIRD) Foundation convened on December 19, 2023, to greenlight a transformative investment of $9.6 million for ten pioneering projects bridging the gap between US and Israeli technological prowess. With additional support from the private sector, the total infusion of capital into these ventures […]

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