Trump Threatens to ‘Obliterate’ Turkish Economy Over Danger to Kurds


Photo Credit: The White House screen grab via Twitter

President Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

President Donald Trump threatened Monday to “obliterate” Turkey’s economy if Ankara does anything the president considers to be “off limits.”


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The threat included a reference to the Turks killing Kurds, according Steve Herman, a reporter from Voice of America (VOA) news who spoke with a senior US official about the president’s warning.

The source told Herman “In the phone call, the President of the United States made it very clear to President Recep Tayyip Erdogan “that this is not an action the United States endorses or would be involved with.”

He added that it “appears the Turks are intent on some sort of military operation, possibly combined with an effort to resettle refugees,” but said the US is definitely not giving a “green light” to Turkey to kill Kurds. President Trump is prepared to “obliterate the economy of Turkey if they do,” the source said.

Nevertheless, SANA reported that by Monday evening Turkish troops had begun attacks on Kurdish forces and the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia – which includes Kurds and others who were trained and otherwise assisted by the US in their fight against Islamic State terrorists – in the city of al-Malikiyah, in the Hasakah area in northern Syria.


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