War got you stressed? Here’s how medication can help

Science and Health

Feeling anxious and stressed during tense situations is normal, but it’s important to find ways to relax and manage these emotions.

While relaxation exercises can be beneficial, some individuals may consider using sedatives to help alleviate their anxiety. Over-the-counter sedatives, often based on herbal sources like valerian, are readily available without a prescription. However, it is crucial to consult a pharmacist or pharmacy consultation center to ensure that these medications can be safely combined with any other regular medications you may be taking.

Before you take something: Check

Before using any sedative, it is essential to read and follow the instructions provided in the consumer leaflet. Taking prescription drugs or medicinal preparations without the guidance of a doctor or pharmacist can be risky, as there may be potential conflicts with other medications. It is best to consult a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate type and dosage of medication necessary to effectively treat your anxiety.

It is important not to take someone else’s medication, as every individual’s treatment plan should be personalized.

If you are unable to obtain your prescribed medications due to temporary shortages or security concerns, you can request home delivery through your health insurance provider. This can be done by obtaining a digital prescription from your attending physician. However, if you find yourself without medication or a digital prescription and are unable to leave your home, you can send a messenger to the nearest pharmacy with your health insurance card or contact the Pharmacy Association’s consultation line for assistance.


All medications have side effects

Be aware that all medications, including sedatives, have potential side effects. Some anti-anxiety medications and sedatives can cause significant drowsiness and impair alertness. It is important to exercise caution when engaging in activities that require concentration, such as driving or operating machinery.

Crushing or splitting pills should only be done according to the instructions provided in the consumer leaflet. Some medications may be sensitive to stomach acid or designed for slow or controlled release, making crushing or splitting unsuitable. If you are uncertain, seek guidance from the pharmacists’ help center.


During times of heightened tension and uncertainty, it is crucial to maintain your regular medical treatment. Your physical and mental well-being should remain a priority. If relaxation exercises and over-the-counter sedatives do not provide relief, consult your physician for further evaluation and potential prescription of anti-anxiety medications.

Remember to report any unexpected side effects to your doctor promptly. Ensure that medications are stored securely away from children and teenagers, as they should not have access to them.

Avoid taking prescription drugs without a doctor’s order and refrain from unnecessary medication use or overdosing. Increased consumption can lead to adverse effects and an elevated risk of falls.

Pharmacists have the authority to issue prescription drugs without a prescription in certain situations. However, this excludes narcotic pain relievers and sleep and relaxation drugs. It is recommended to adhere to your doctor’s prescribed treatment plan and maintain your health. In case of emergencies, contact the relevant emergency medicine centers or health funds.