New privacy restrictions on WhatsApp: Meta has begun to block the ability to photograph users’ profile pictures in the chat application as part of its user privacy policy. The company has not officially announced the new feature, but Android users worldwide have reported receiving a black screen when attempting to take profile pictures.
The ability to photograph profile pictures in Israel has yet to be blocked—however, users who have experienced the block report that it is impossible to undo.
Blocking the ability to photograph profile pictures is part of the company’s efforts to prevent misuse of profile pictures. Concerns have been expressed in recent years about the misuse of user profile pictures, such as posting them on social networks, sending them on dating apps, or using artificial intelligence technology to create fake situations.
WhatsApp’s upgrades
Last week, it was reported that WhatsApp is upgrading in additional aspects: the app will soon allow sending and receiving messages from third-party applications such as Instagram, Messenger, Signal, and SMS.
Meanwhile, last September, it was reported that Meta is testing the WhatsApp version for iPads: from initial screenshots released online, the connection to the iPad version appears similar to connecting to WhatsApp on a computer and is done by scanning a QR code, after which the WhatsApp app synchronizes directly with the personal account, with its size adjusted to the screen of the Apple tablet, without the need for an additional login. The iPad app of WhatsApp is expected to include all the familiar features, including the option for phone or video calls.