With Putin, Zelensky and Prince Charles in Town Jerusalem Motorists Will Lose their Parking for 3 Days


Photo Credit: Nati Shohat/Flash 90

The Fifth World Holocaust Forum, entitled “Remembering the Holocaust, Fighting anti-Semitism,” will take place on Thursday, January 23, 2020, at the Warsaw Ghetto Square in Yad Vashem, Jerusalem. Forty five presidents, prime ministers and royal households from Europe, North America and Australia, including the Prince of Wales, and the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, have accepted President Reuven Rivlin’s invitation, and will attend the event.

With this mass invasion by world dignitaries (click here for the list), security becomes a major issue, or, as the fifth WHF put it in an alert to the everyday residents of the eternal capital: “Broad security arrangements will be made as part of this event, which will impact routine life and traffic capabilities in the city.”


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Oh boy, this is exciting.

Courtesy Fifth World Holocaust Forum

Parking will become prohibited starting midnight between Tuesday and Wednesday, January 21 to 22, in the following streets:

King David

Residents with a parking tag may park for free at the Agron lot and the lot at Achad Ha’am corner of Sokolow.

Traffic will be blocked at the following arteries:

King David Street, from Magen David Square to Plumer Square, from Tuesday morning to Friday at noon, Jan. 21 to 24.
Hanasi Street, on Tuesday, Jan. 22, from 5 to 10 PM.
Rabin Street, on Wed. Jan. 22, from HaNassi HaShishi to Ben Tzvi, 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Rothschild Street, Wed. Jan 22, 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
Burg Street, Wed. Jan. 22, from Rabin to Mevaker HaMdina Street, 11:30 AM to 5:30 PM.

Pedestrian street crossing will not be allowed during the processions.

Light rail will operate normally, except for the time the procession will be moving nearby.

Public transpiration will be rerouted to alternative streets. For details call *8787.


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