3 Things that Make the Modern Philosophy of Education


Photo credit: Element5 Digital

By Contributing Author

Education is one of the fastest-growing entities in the world. With massive investments and global attention, there is no way the philosophy of education can remain the same as it was several decades ago. Instead, it is rapidly evolving and transforming to meet the rising needs of a global society. 

Technology is one of the greatest assets that are facilitating this growth and making education into one of the global priorities. Science is another aspect, giving educators new information about how the human brain works and how to empower it to be more efficient. Here are some of the main features that characterize the modern philosophy of education and its peculiarities. 

Diversifying Content and Modes of Delivery

Science does not lie. It has already been established that each student is different in terms of how they perceive and process the information they get at school and college. There are different types of learners: some of them work better with visual prompts, others with audio and movements. Depending on the needs of all of those students, teachers have to get creative about the way they present curriculum information to their students. Luckily, the current state of technology makes it easier than ever to give students videos, audios, multimedia presentations, engaging online quizzes, and other ways to approach studying. 

What makes technology invaluable in this particular situation is the fact that students can take complete control of their academic success by seeking out the needed content online. College students can take online courses to enrich their knowledge of particular subjects. They can gain lots of handy skills that can give them greater career opportunities in the future.  

Quite similarly, educators can encourage their students to become more independent about their education, show them the benefits of self-development. What’s more, students can choose to get professional academic help with their studies by contacting an essay writing service like essayservice.com. The modern philosophy of education is vastly different than it was even ten years ago, and the main reason is constant changes in the world of global technology. 

Embracing the Benefits of Failure

In the world of education, failure used to be seen as something to be ashamed of. It still holds the same status in places where educators do not keep up with global trends. However, the educational institutions that are at the forefront of educational development are already in the process of making students feel ok with failure. 

In its essence, failure is an invaluable lesson that gives one a pointer on what to do and how to do it. The trial and error method is what can help students reach significant accomplishments in life. The modern education respects students and their mental well-being; it respects their boundaries and acts as a motivator to grow rather as a bully pointing at one’s weak sides.  

Mr. Bowen, an educator responsible for one of the projects on DonorsChoose, says, “A tenet of my teaching philosophy is that failure IS an option; mistakes are an invaluable part of learning. Education often is not linear. It is through the process of recursive inquiry — observation, exploration, analysis, and evaluation — that meaningful learning takes place.” Indeed, such an approach is what global education has been missing all this time. 

Students need to be encouraged not to be afraid of failure. Think about it: how does a child learn how to walk? They never start walking out of the blue. They always develop the skill piece by piece, standing up and repeatedly falling until they can finally walk on their own. Such a learning curve should also be embraced in traditional education for students to feel comfortable with not being perfect in everything. 

Embracing Creativity

For a long time, creativity was associated only with visual arts. However, the modern philosophy of education has come to realize how important it is to develop creativity in students for them to do better in life in general. This creativity does not only imply creating something beautiful and unusual, but it also denotes something of an approach students need to establish – an approach to life. 

Creativity can help students think outside of the box, come up with new solutions, make bold choices, and be courageous about their ideas. Creativity is a tool that empowers students to be different, to show their unique individuality, and to express it in ways they see fit. 

Such a massive change in education gives the world a chance to get leaders of a new generation. Leaders that come up with unconventional ideas to make human life more comfortable. Such leaders are also capable of coming up with creative solutions to battle some of the most troubling matters in the world like pandemics, global warming, climate change, hunger, etc.