Anti-Netanyahu Protesters beaten in Tel Aviv “They came to kill”


Anti-Netanyahu Protesters beaten in Tel Aviv “They came to kill”

The anti-Netanyahu “Black Flags” organization said: “The criminal attack is a direct continuation of Netanyahu’s incitement. The State of Israel is led by a criminal defendant who will not hesitate to incite the murder of those who demand clean leadership,”

Anti-Netanyahu Protest in Tel Aviv - beaten screenshot

About a thousand anti-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu protestors last night (Tuesday) took to the streets of Tel Aviv.  During the march, several of them were beaten with sticks, injured and bled. five needed medical treatment at Ichilov Hospital.

“They came to kill”, said “Black Flags” protesters said. According to eyewitnesses demonstrators were attacked allegedly by “La Familia,” ultra-right fans of football club  Beitar Jerusalem.

According to Ynet news, the protesters began their march from Public Security Minister Amir Ohana’s home on HaHaskala Boulevard, in protest of “an attempt to thwart the civil protest,” they claimed.

After hours of march and protests throughout the city, they arrived at Habima plaza and the Cinematheque – where clashes began with a group of young men who beat the demonstrators with sticks of flags and plastic chairs, and then even sprayed pepper spray on them. Most of the suspects escaped except for one who was arrested on suspicion of throwing a stone.

During the demonstration, a letter was issued by Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, following recordings of the minister that led to the protest, in which he was stated that “the police must make decisions without foreign considerations.” To read the full letter, click here.

Although the police described the march as an “illegal procession”, they often avoided clashes. It was only after midnight that she demanded that the protesters disperse, and a few minutes later the long march ended.

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak tweet: A demonstrator who was attacked in Tel Aviv an hour ago by right-wing thugs. The blood is on the hands of the great instigator. And not for the first time. In Tisha B’Av, we present a bloody reminder of the lessons of free hatred. From the city of hatred, haunted and unrestrained, still in Balfour, focused on escaping trial. Time for a civil protest. Just do not succumb to fear.(Photo: Ben Netzer, Galei Tzahal)

The “Black Flags” organization said: “We thank the Tel Aviv police for their exemplary treatment after the demonstration. Tel Aviv police maintained the right of the demonstrators to march and protest against Israel becoming a Netanyahu dictatorship “Tonight it has been proven that it is possible to allow a broad and significant civil protest without unnecessary violence against the demonstrators. We expect the Jerusalem District Commander to behave in the same way this coming weekend.”

The “Black Flags” movement said: “The criminal attack is a direct continuation of Netanyahu’s incitement. The State of Israel is led by a criminal defendant who will not hesitate to incite the murder of those who demand clean leadership, which connects the people. We will not stop demonstrating until the defendant resigns.”

The demonstrators in Tel Aviv carried black flags and signs that read, among other things, “Shame,” “Where is the honor,” and “We came to expel corruption.” At the same time, about 100 demonstrators gathered near the prime minister’s residence in Jerusalem and protested against government policy. In front of them gathered about 50 people who came to support Netanyahu.

The protest in front of Ohana’s house took place after it was revealed earlier this week in the Kan news that Ohana tried to restrict the demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem. In a recording that was revealed at the beginning of the week, Minister Ohana was heard demanding that the commander of the Jerusalem district, Doron Yadid, move the demonstrations in PM residence in Balfour st., claiming that this harmed the quality of life of the neighborhood’s residents, and caused them great suffering.

The demonstration in Tel Aviv was attended by several organizations that have participated in recent weeks in protests in Balfour, including the “Black Flags”, the “Pink Bandanas” (the insults), “Crim Minster” and more.

Ynet News

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