Are These Signs of the Coming of the Messiah? – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]


Photo Credit: pixabay

There’s STILL no new government in Israel, and it looks like we may be going to a 3rd election inside of one year.
Questions discussed:
1) Why did PM Netanyahu give the Defense Ministry to Naftali Bennett?
2) Can the Blue & White block form a government? What could it look like?
3) Will we go to new elections, and if so, will the election rules of the game change?
Also, what are the interests and what is happening in the region with the USA, Russia, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, and the Kurds? How will this affect the rest of the world?
Are all these news stories, signs that the Messiah is coming?
PLUS: Acknowledging the 81st anniversary of ‘Kristallnacht’ or ‘Night of Broken Glass’. Have the Jews in the Diaspora learned anything?

-with guests:
Dr. Mordechai Ben-Menachem, author of the book: Muslim Winter


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