University of Warsaw students remember pre-WWII segregation of Jews at the school
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Continue ReadingPhoto Credit: Gage Skidmore via Flickr Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham heated up the internet Monday with strong statements expressing his outrage in response to the decision by President Donald Trump to pull US forces out of northern Syria in deference to Turkey’s desire to invade the area. “I don’t […]
Continue ReadingPhoto Credit: Screenshot Liberman on Maariv’s Yom Kippur supplement cover How much does Avigdor Liberman hate Benjamin Netanyahu? In an exclusive interview to be published in full on Tuesday, in Maariv’s Yom Kippur supplement, the Israel Beiteinu chairman is settling his accounts with the people who until recently have been his political allies, even partners, […]
Continue ReadingPhoto Credit: US Army / Staff Sgt. Andrew Goedl U.S. and Turkish military forces conduct the third ground combined joint patrol inside the security mechanism area in northeast Syria, Oct. 4, 2019. Less than 24 hours after the White House announced a decision to withdrawn US military troops from northern Syria, American forces have already […]
Continue ReadingPhoto Credit: Flash 90 A Jewish man blows a shofar at the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City 1. Yom Kippur is observed on the 10th day of the Jewish month of Tishrei (October 9, 2019), whose astrological sign is Libra (♎), which symbolizes the key themes of Yom Kippur: scales, justice, balance, truth, symmetry, […]
Continue ReadingPhoto Credit: Pixabay Oil rig (illustration image) Israel is following Turkey’s actions in Cyrus’ territorial waters “closely and with concern,” Israel’s Ambassador to Cyprus, Sammy Revel said Monday. “Israel is following closely and with concern Turkey’s intentions to drill in Cyprus’s southern EEZ (exclusive economic zone),” Revel said. Advertisement ‘); _avp.push({ tagid: article_top_ad_tagid, alias: ‘/’, […]
Continue ReadingPhoto Credit: JP The Days of Awe bring out a sense of penitence and communal introspection. Thus, many people make their way to shul that we don’t see the rest of the year. Here are some of the people you will see in shul over the High Holidays. The One Crying Advertisement ‘); _avp.push({ tagid: […]
Continue Reading[embedded content] The Women in Green organization on Sunday filmed Cantor Avi Bernstein singing “Avinu Malkenu” from the Ari Fuld Lookout in the Oz VeGaon Forest, marking the first anniversary of the murder of Avi Fuld, HY”D. [embedded content] Advertisement ‘); _avp.push({ tagid: article_top_ad_tagid, alias: ‘/’, type: ‘banner’, zid: ThisAdID, pid: 16, onscroll: 0 }); […]
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