Sotah 3

The American rock band OK Go is known for their amazing music videos, my favorite of which is “This Too Shall Pass,” which features a fantastically elaborate Rube Goldberg machine. At the beginning of the video, one band member tips over a domino, setting off a series of events featuring multiple bowling balls, a falling […]

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Sotah 2

Welcome to Tractate Sotah, in which we will explore a singular ritual by which a man who suspects his wife of adultery can put her to a supernatural test that will prove her guilt or innocence.  According to the Torah, a man who suspects his wife of infidelity, or is even so overcome with jealousy […]

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The Easiest 3-Ingredient Fudge for Passover

Growing up, my favorite Passover treats were the classic chocolate lollipops. The fact that they only appeared during Passover gave them an irresistible allure.  Looking back decades later, I realize they were nothing special  — nor were the other Passover candies on offer, specifically those ubiquitous fruit slices and jelly rings! I created this quick […]

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In Every Generation

From the villages of Eastern Europe comes an old, classic joke. Shmuel comes in the door with a sad face, telling Esther that the Czar has decreed that every Jew must convert and become Christian. “What shall we do?” cries Esther. “I don’t think we have a choice,” laments Shmuel, “we have to convert.”  The next day Shmuel […]

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Nazir 61

The final chapter of Tractate Nazir opens on today’s daf with a mishnah that teaches this: Non-Jews do not have nazariteship. The Gemara will inquire about the source of this rule, citing the fact that the chapter of the Book of Numbers outlining the laws of naziriteship opens with the phrase: “Speak to the children […]

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Nazir 60

Can a person accomplish two goals with one act? That is the question raised on today’s daf by the students of Rabbi Shimon ben Yohai.  A pure nazir and a leper, what is the halakhah? May he shave one shaving and it will count for him for this and for that? Both a nazir at the end of […]

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Nazir 59

As regular students of Daf Yomi by now well know, sometimes when the rabbis start playing the what-if game, their imaginations lead them to concoct highly improbable scenarios. We saw one such scenario on yesterday’s daf, where the mishnah discussed a case in which a person informs two nazirites that he saw one of them become impure but he doesn’t know […]

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7 Egg-Free Desserts for Passover

Every year in the weeks leading up to Passover, I start to feel a little flutter in my stomach. It makes sense. With seder menus to plan, loads of groceries to buy, a kitchen to scour and turn inside out, and hours of cooking ahead, Passover’s to-do list is simply overwhelming. And this year, I […]

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