Beat Colds & Flu, NATURALLY. An Herbalist Shares All! – The Tamar Yonah Show [audio]


Photo Credit: pixabay

OUTSMART Germs and Viruses, NATURALLY! As Cold and flu season comes around as winter is around the corner, how can we fight colds and flu NATURALLY? Also, what foods are helpful for cholesterol and blood sugar problems? And what the heck is ‘Fire Cider’ and what is it said to cure?

Tamar speaks with Herbalist, J. Rivkah Asoulin, who is best known for her work as a woman’s health and fertility expert, “Wise Woman Fertility.” She is currently Founder and Executive Director of Ancient Roots, the first all-English, International, herbal conference in Israel happening this Feb. 9-11. Ancient Roots Israel will be an annual event, to inform and inspire a growing community of international herbalists and herb enthusiasts in Israel. To learn more, please visit them at


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