George Soros Finally Responds To Insane Right Wing Attacks


George Soros Finally Responds To Insane Right Wing Attacks

The attacks on George Soros range from claiming that he was a Nazi collaborator who turned over Jews to the Germans during World War II to saying that he funds Antifa

George Soros Screen Shot from Soros

A new documentary about George Soros is being released titled simply “Soros.” The Daily Beast published an exclusive excerpt from the film in which Soros finally answers the people who slander him as both a Nazi and a communist.

The clip also shows a compilation of news channel celebrity hosts repeating such slanders on the air.

The attacks on George Soros range from claiming that he was a Nazi collaborator who turned over Jews to the Germans during World War II to saying that he funds Antifa. Soros was only fourteen years old when the war ended. Other more recent attacks have accused him of being behind a cabal which somehow “stole” the election from President Trump.

Even Newt Gingrich recently appeared on Fox News to promote the lie that George Soros funded some sort of left-wing conspiracy which brought down President Trump from behind the scenes.

Soros, a Holocaust survivor from Hungary, moved to England after World War II where he gained an education at the London School of Economics. George Soros then worked his way up from an entry level position with a bank.

In fact in the trailer for “Soros” George Soros himself says, “I chose the west because I sought freedom, and to make money.”

His is a Horatio Alger type rags to riches story. But he is also a Jew. Could that perhaps be the reason why he is so scorned? Does a rich Jew in America need to be a supporter of conservative causes to avoid such scorn?

So how does George Soros himself explain this? In the clip he says, “The fact that I have become involved in so many different issues, and have taken controversial positions, is now actually working against me.”

Robert Soros, when asked how he feels about the way that his father is treated, answers, “He’s become demonized by one community because he’s synonymous with liberal causes.”

In the clip journalist Nadine Epstein talks about what happened when she attended a conference on anti-Semitism. Apparently someone asked the panelists why they had not discussed why George Soros is a Nazi. According to Epstein half the people in the audience then applauded.

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Soros is having an exclusive on line premiere tonight at 8 PM Eastern Standard Time. Immediately following the film will be an exclusive panel discussion. The panel will include Jesse Dylan, the film’s director.

About the movie:

Billionaire activist George Soros is one of the most influential and controversial figures of our time. Famous for betting against the Bank of England in 1992 and making a billion dollars in one day, he is maligned by ideologues on both the left and the right for daring to tackle the world’s problems and putting his money behind his fight – from free elections and freedom of the press to civil rights for minorities. With unprecedented access to the man and his inner circle, American director Jesse Dylan follows Soros across the globe and pulls back the curtain on his personal history, private wealth, and public activism. Soros reveals a complicated genius whose experience as a Jew during the Holocaust gave rise to a lifelong crusade against authoritarianism and hate.

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